Media Releases
Peter Dutton confirms excessive gas exports hurt Australia
In his budget reply speech, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton confirmed what Australia Institute research has long shown – the gas export industry is hurting Australians.
Dutton’s gas plan won’t solve manufactured “shortages” – or bring down prices
Peter Dutton’s plan to force gas giants to divert gas to the domestic market won’t solve the manufactured shortages we have in this country – or bring down prices for local households or consumers.
Sydney smells the stink from Tasmania
Sydney voters care about fish deaths and the impact of commercial fishing in Tasmania, according to a new poll.
A dark day for the environment – and democracy
This is a dark day for two of Australia’s greatest treasures: the environment and our democracy.
Epic Fail. Dutton’s National Interest Test would snuff out his gas plan
Peter Dutton says he’ll approve the North West Shelf (NWS) gas expansion within 30 days if he wins the election.
Harmless budget of missed opportunities
This pre-election budget is designed to annoy as few people as possible.
The Prime Minister should take his own advice
Ten years ago, Anthony Albanese launched a passionate defence of the laws which are designed to protect Australia’s environment.
Fossil fuel subsidies hit $15 billion, as crossbench seeks reform
New research from The Australia Institute has found that state and federal governments have given $15 billion in subsidies to fossil fuel producers and major consumers in the 2024-25 financial year.
Undemocratic environment laws to silence the public
The Federal Government and Opposition are proposing to weaken environmental protections and stop community groups from protecting nature.
Time to clean up Australia’s failing, scandal-plagued universities
Australia’s universities are plummeting down international rankings while charging students more than ever for their degrees.
5 ways and 63 billion reasons to improve Australia’s tax system
With a federal election just around the corner, new analysis from The Australia Institute reveals 63 billion reasons why our next Parliament should improve the nation’s tax system.
Bombshell FOI reveals fish farms have been inadequately assessed for impact on threatened species and World Heritage
Documents released today under Freedom of Information reveal advice to the federal government that salmon farming in Tasmania’s Macquarie Harbour should be comprehensively assessed under national environment law, for its impact on the endangered Maugean skate and the harbour’s World Heritage value. The advice was provided in November 2023 as the ‘likely outcome’ of reconsidering a 2012
Mythical shortages and a manufactured “crisis” – How the gas industry uses AEMO data to trick Australians
The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) will this week release its annual Gas Statement of Opportunities.
Bad advice – which hasn’t aged well
Ten years after former Treasurer Joe Hockey advised Australians to get “a good job that pays good money” to buy a house, new analysis by The Australia Institute reveals just how bad that advice actually was.
Implications for ACT of High Court decision on Commonwealth v Yunupingu
On Wednesday 12 March, the High Court of Australia is scheduled to hand down a decision on the case Commonwealth of Australia v. Yunupingu (on behalf of the Gumatj Clan or Estate Group) & Ors.
Coal and gas exporters are causing this mess. They should help clean it up.
Ordinary Australians are paying the massive costs of more frequent and extreme floods caused by a handful of global fossil fuels corporations, including the coal and gas export giants operating in Australia.
International Women’s Day 2025: Five key issues facing working women in Australia
To mark International Women’s Day, The Australia Institute’s Centre for Future Work has identified five key issues facing working women in 2025.
From debt to diversity, AI to pay … Program Director Fiona Macdonald and Senior Researcher Lisa Heap tell us what to expect following sweeping changes to policies impacting women in the US and the looming election here.
Pay a fortune in premiums or risk losing everything – the brutal reality of Australia’s insurance crisis
Struggling families who ditch their home and contents insurance would lose three-quarters of their wealth if their home was destroyed, according to new research by The Australia Institute.
Making billions yet crying poor
Australia’s biggest private health insurers are making billions but, at the same time, crying poor so they’re allowed to hike premiums.
60 jobs: The salmon industry finally comes clean
Ever since Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s letter pledging to protect the foreign-owned salmon industry at the expense of world heritage wilderness, an ecological disaster has unfolded in Tasmania.
Poll: Trump a greater threat to world peace than Putin or Xi
More Australians consider US President Donald Trump a greater threat to world peace than Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping.
February 2025
Australian gas for Australians first
Exporting most of Australia’s gas has led to higher prices for Australian households and businesses.
Australians must be protected from diseased salmon
With an unfolding ecological disaster in Tasmania, salmon farmers have a duty to protect Australian families from diseased, dying or dead fish.
Cutting the public service saves nothing
Reducing the size of Australia’s public service is often characterised as a way to save the country money and make government departments more efficient.
Woodside’s North West Shelf gas export project: a disaster on five fronts
Australia Institute analysis reveals Woodside’s North West Shelf gas export project is driving up WA energy prices, threatening the state’s domestic gas reserves, paying even fewer royalties, corroding one of the world’s greatest artistic treasures, and wrecking the climate.
The housing crisis is turning into an inequality crisis
The rising concentration of property and investment assets in the hands of wealthier Australians is making housing crisis worse and deepening economic divides.
Fake fight over nuclear a distraction from real climate issues
A new report which reveals the coalition’s nuclear plan would send an additional two billion tonnes of emissions into the atmosphere and send power bills even higher is yet another distraction from the real issues in Australia’s energy debate.
Giving our consumer watchdog more teeth to tackle companies gouging shoppers
Australians know they’re being ripped off at the supermarket checkout.
Secrecy, Prime Ministerial promises, now mass deaths – time to clean up Tasmania’s salmon industry
Australia’s Administrative Review Tribunal has ordered the federal government to release a ministerial brief on the prospective extinction of the Maugean skate, recognised for its World Heritage value, in a win for government transparency over a culture of secrecy.
Dutton’s divesture plan good for retail companies, but it’s climate change which is driving insurance costs up
The Coalition’s proposed divestiture powers to break up major hardware and grocery retailers could help keep inflation down and assist with cost-of-living pressures.
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Media Enquiries
Glenn Connley Senior Media Advisor