Media Releases
March 2017
Political pressure risks $5 billion infrastructure fund becoming a barrel of pork
As the $5 billion Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) considers a $1 billion concessional loan to foreign coal company Adani, a new report from The Australia Institute raises major concerns about the NAIF’s political independence, governance, resourcing and public transparency. Widespread media coverage during December that NAIF had ‘conditionally approved’ the $1 billion proposal was
February 2017
Dawson Polling: One Nation surge, support for RET, opposition to company tax cuts
New polling of Dawson, the seat held by George Christensen, conducted by ReachTEL, commissioned by The Australia Institute, shows support for Pauline Hanson’s One Nation party at level pegging with the LNP at 30% of the primary vote. Issue-based questions in the same poll revealed strong support in Dawson for an increase to the renewable
Australia and Indonesia – the OPEC of coal
The Australia Institute says Turnbull must discuss coal with Jokowi Indonesian President Joko Widodo will visit Australia this weekend, as The Australia Institute releases new research on Indonesian energy policy. The Institute has called for coal, energy and climate to be on the agenda for talks with President Widodo. Australia and Indonesia are the world’s
Cutting penalty rates will reinforce wage stagnation
The Fair Work Commission’s decision to reduce penalty rates for Sundays and holidays in retail and hospitality jobs will reinforce wage stagnation and further widen income inequality, which is bad news for the economy as a whole, according to Dr. Jim Stanford, Director of the Centre for Future Work at the Australia Institute. “It’s painfully
Dark side of the boom NSW
As the mining boom ends, the mining clean-up boom is beginning. New research from The Australia Institute released today shows that there is minimal information available to the public on how the clean-up is progressing. The report, Dark side of the boom: What we do and don’t know about mines, closures and rehabilitation in New
Liberals heartland rejects PM’s company tax and renewables agenda
New polling conducted by ReachTEL for The Australia Institute of the electorates represented by Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott reveals strong opposition for cutting the tax rate, particularly for larger companies. Both electorates registered more support for increasing the company tax rate than cutting it. In the Prime Minister’s electorate of Wentworth 43% supported an
January 2017
Morrison’s company tax competitiveness argument fails the evidence test
New research counters argument that Australia must ‘compete’ with other countries by lowering its company tax rates in order to encourage foreign investment. The report shows that 71 per cent of foreign investment applications come from countries with company tax rates lower than Australia’s rate. Recent foreign investment flows have increased rapidly from countries with
Imported: The American far-right origins of Pauline Hanson’s anti-Islam rhetoric
The Australia Institute published a new report today which examines the origins of Senator Pauline Hanson’s statements on Islam. The research reveals much of Hanson’s language is imported directly from far-right groups in the United States. The Australia Institute report examines, in detail, one of the One Nation party’s most striking claims – that Islam
Perceptions of corruption highest among One Nation, Xenophon and Independent voters: Poll
National polling has shown perceptions of corruption rate highest amongst those intending to vote for independents or minor parties such as One Nation or the Nick Xenophon Team. The poll conducted by ReachTEL for The Australia Institute surveyed a representative sample of 2,285 residents across the country. Question: Do you think there is corruption in
Open letter calls for Federal watchdog in wake of latest round of politician rort scandals
An open letter, published today, calls for an independent federal anti-corruption watchdog. Such a commission would be far reaching with the power to investigate potential corruption, which does not appear to be the remit of the agency to administer and oversee parliamentarian work expenses which was announced by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull Friday. Prominent signatories
December 2016
Revenue the key to budget problems
The Australia Institute have today published Taxing times: The impact of the GFC on tax revenue in Australia which models the sharp decline in Australian budget revenues against a scenario where pre-GFC tax ratios were maintained. This research shows that the main factor leading to the post-GFC deficits and the accumulation of government debt has
If a taxpayer subsidy falls in the forest, and no one hears it…
The Western Australian government’s state owned Forest Products Commission (FPC) is logging WA’s native forests at a financial loss to the state, as shown in a new report from The Australia Institute, titled Barking Up the Wrong Trees. “The people of Western Australia are losing jarrah and karri forests, and in the process making a
Australia half-way to first recession in 25 years
The Australian Bureau of Statistics has released a larger than expected fall in GDP, putting the economy into negative growth at -0.5%. GDP at the lowest rate since 2008 at the height of the Global Financial Crisis. The biggest single culprit to the fall in growth was reduced government capital expenditure. Government capital spending, which
Open letter puts unanswered economic questions on Adani project to PM
The Australia Institute have today published an open letter to the Prime Minister outlining the unasked and unanswered economic questions regarding the Adani Carmichael mine proposal and its potential public subsidisation of $1 billion. The letter appears as a full-page advertisement in the Australian Financial Review. The questions put: 1 – Will the Adani mine
Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility should prioritise people and renewables: poll
Australians don’t want their money funding infrastructure for coal and gas companies under the $5 billion Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF), national polling released today reveals. The NAIF will spend $5 billion of public funds in Northern Australia on infrastructure that is unable to attract commercial financing, which could include subsidising the controversial Adani Carmichael
New analysis of WA’s $5 iron ore levy proposal
The Australia Institute has assessed the proposal for a $5 levy on iron ore in Western Australia. The policy should be supported as a pragmatic alternative to a resource rent tax. The analysis finds that if the $5 levy had been imposed on relevant production over the last five years it would have raised $11.5
November 2016
World’s largest sovereign wealth fund called on to dump offshore detention operator shares
New research from The Australia Institute has revealed that Norway’s sovereign wealth fund, known as ‘Oljefondet’, has US$280 million invested in Ferrovial. After its takeover of Australian company Broadspectrum, Spanish company Ferrovial is now responsible for the biggest contract to run Australia’s offshore detention camps. The offshore detention camps are notorious for human rights abuses,
ABCC will do nothing for housing prices: Report
As the Senate continues to debate the proposed Australian Building and Construction Commission, new research from the Centre for Future Work challenges the government’s claim that construction labour costs have pushed up Australian housing prices.
New figures show Australians taking less annual leave
23 November 2016 is National Go Home On Time Day, an initiative which encourages employers and employees to raise awareness of the importance of a healthy work-life balance.
Australians back Timor-Leste in maritime dispute
Australians favour international law to determine Timor maritime boundary between Timor-Leste and Australia, even if that delivers Timor-Leste a substantial share of the oil and gas in the Timor Sea. The poll of 10,271 residents across Australia showed 56.5% support for establishing a maritime boundary in accordance with current international law, with only 17% opposed
October 2016
Australia’s unaccounted for emissions could cause Paris target failure
A new report by the University of Melbourne Energy Institute has found that unmeasured methane leakage and fugitive emissions from unconventional gasfields could cause Australia to fail its Paris climate commitments. The report, commissioned by The Australia Institute, found that: Several major potential sources of methane emissions are assumed to be zero under Australia’s accounting
GISERA and the threat to independent science
Gas industry funding and direct involvement in research committees of GISERA, the research body that conducts research on social and environmental impacts of CSG, is potentially compromising the scientific independence of CSIRO. The five main Queensland gas companies provide the lion’s share of funding to the Gas Industry Social and Environmental Research Alliance (GISERA) – the Gas Industry Social
September 2016
South Australians don’t believe the hype: Poll shows SA backs fracking ban
1,473 South Australians were asked if they supported a Victoria-style ban on gas fracking in their state. Twice as many (47%) support a ban than are opposed (23%). 30% were undecided. The polling was conducted on 30 August, as Victoria introduced its ban and in the weeks following the furore around energy prices in South
Another day, another $100m subsidy to coal
The Australian government’s settlement with the owners of a coal ship represents another subsidy to the coal industry. With the government settling for $39.3 million while estimating clean up costs of $140 million, the difference represents a cost to taxpayers and or our environment of over $100 million. It’s not clear whether the Australian government
Leaving the ARENA – Australia has just one podium finish on non-fossil fuel energy R&D since 1979
Australia is lagging behind the rest of the world for renewable energy R&D. Data from the International Energy Agency puts Australia on the podium just once since 1979. Meanwhile, Australia has poured the vast bulk of our R&D dollars into fossil fuel. (See full medal tally below) “Australia has a long history of prioritising fossil
Selectivity: Government ignores $8.4b in carbon price compensation
While the Turnbull government has argued that carbon price compensation for welfare recipients must be cut because there is no longer a price on carbon, the income tax cuts delivered at part of the Gillard reforms will remain, and cost the budget bottom line far more. The government claimed $1.3 billion in savings over the
New South Welsh want Senate to block ARENA gutting
Polling shows that just 23% of New South Wales residents want the Senate to pass the government’s proposed $1 billion cut from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency. 53% of those surveyed want the members of the upper house to veto the move. The cuts would effectively decommission ARENA, a long held position of the Abbott-Turnbull
The sunshine state supports ARENA: Poll
Queenslanders resounding oppose government moves to cut the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, which invests in renewable energy projects and innovation. ReachTEL conducted a survey of 1,701 residents across Queensland during the evening of 30th August 2016. Question: The Australian Renewable Energy Agency funds new renewable energy construction and research in Australia. Should the Senate pass
Poll: ‘Other’ surge in Senate voting intention and strong rejection of Newstart cuts
A new national poll of more than 10,000 Australians has shown the continued strong support for minor parties and independents in Senate voting intentions. The poll also measured opinion on the proposal to cut Newstart. 55% of respondents said the Senate should vote down the cut, just 32% said the Senate should pass the government
Poll: Electorate reject ARENA cuts, backs new mechanism to retire coal
A new national poll shows Australians overwhelmingly support for strong climate policies which would phase out fossil fuels with a mechanism similar to that recommend by the Climate change Authority. Voters also want the Senate to reject proposed funding cuts to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA). The ReachTEL poll commissioned by The Australia Institute
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Emily Bird Office Manager
Media Enquiries
Glenn Connley Senior Media Advisor