March 2020

Overwhelming Majority Support Government Paid Leave for COVID-19 Self-Isolation

New research shows an overwhelming majority of Australians (82.5%) support the ACTU proposal that the Government guarantee two weeks paid leave for all workers who are forced to self-isolate as a result of COVID-19.  The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,723 Australians on the night of 18 March 2020. Key Findings: An overwhelming

Stronger Controls Around Artificial Intelligence Needed

New technologies that deploy Artificial intelligence should be assessed for their social impact on citizens before they are allowed to be deployed, according to The Australia Institute’s Centre for Responsible Technology. In its submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) discussion paper on human rights and technology, the Centre argues that a formal regulatory regime, rather

February 2020

Massive Facial Recognition Hack Highlights Need to Call Pause

The hack of billions of photos from an Australian start-up, Clearview AI, which harvests photos from social media and bundles the information for law enforcement agencies, reinforces the need to place a moratorium on facial recognition technology. The Australia Institute’s Centre for Responsible Technology is supporting the Australian Human Rights Commission’s proposal for a moratorium

Child Classifications Must Include Gambling in Computer Games

The Australia Institute’s Centre for Responsible Technology has called for an extension in the way computer games are classified, to capture design architecture that exposes children to addictive, gambling-based content in many common games. In a submission to the Department of Communications review into the classification system, the Centre for Responsible Technology argues that the

January 2020

Survey Reveals: Bushfires Cost 1.8 million Work Days, Leave 5 Million Sick from Smoke

New national survey research from The Australia Institute reveals most Australians have been personally impacted by the bushfires and smoke, including millions missing work or suffering health impacts. Additionally, the research shows concern about the impacts of climate change are especially high among those directly affected by the fires, as is the wish for the

December 2019

‘It’s the Thought That Counts’ – $980m of Christmas gifts will go to waste: The Australia Institute

New research from The Australia Institute has revealed that nearly one third of Australians (30%) are expecting to receive a gift that they will never use this Christmas.  Three in ten (30%), or approximately 7.3 million Australians will receive gifts they expect they will never use or wear this Christmas, representing a total value of

Digital Platforms Response Business as Usual for Big Tech

“If the ACCC Digital Platforms Review was, as reported at the time, world’s best practice on regulating Big Tech, the government’s response shows Big Tech has secured world’s best practice in slowing down meaningful reform,” said Peter Lewis, Director of the Centre for Responsible Technology at the Australia Institute. “Hardly anything from the ACCC has

November 2019

Public Supports Tighter Social Media Controls over Elections

The Australian public support tighter regulation of political advertising on social media platforms, from truth in advertising, limits to micro-targeting, to bans on political advertising on social media altogether. The findings, based on public polling conducted by Essential Research in November found: 73 per cent support requiring social media platforms to ensure political ads are

Hydrogen Haste: Australia Institute Research Reveals Highly Inflated Figures

New Research from The Australia Institute’s Climate & Energy Program has identified serious concerns with hydrogen demand projections, regularly cited by State and Federal Governments, energy experts and industry figures, which overstate potential export demand by a factor of up to 11. Due to this supposedly high demand, COAG Ministers will be asked to support

New Research Shows Public Concern Over Data Harvesting

The majority of Australians are not comfortable with the way government and companies collect and use their personal information, according to new research. To coincide with its launch, the Australia Institute’s new Centre for Responsible Technology today released new research showing high levels of discomfort with the way personal information is collected, repurposed and stored.

Australia Institute Launches New Responsible Tech Initiative

The Australia Institute today launched the Centre for Responsible Technology, a new non-partisan centre designed to give people greater influence over the way technology is rapidly changing our world. The Centre for Responsible Technology will collaborate with academics, activists, civil society and business to shape policy and practice around network technology by raising public awareness

Poll: Land Tax Aggregation Supported by 4 in 5 South Australians

New research from The Australia Institute has found strong support amongst South Australians for land tax aggregation, funding for affordable housing and measures that would require politicians to reveal personal interests before voting on land tax legislation. Key findings; –          4 out of 5 South Australians (81%) support property portfolio aggregation for taxation purposes –         

October 2019

University-to-Job Pathways Key to Boosting Graduate Employment Outcomes

New research shows active strategies to directly link university degrees to a job are needed, to better support university graduates as they negotiate a rapidly changing labour market. The report, by the Australia Institute’s Centre for Future Work, shows that employment outcomes for university graduates have deteriorated significantly since the Global Financial Crisis, with only

Nuclear Power Uninsurable and Uneconomic in Australia

New research has revealed that financial services in Australia will not insure against nuclear accidents, and if developers of nuclear power stations were forced to insure against nuclear accidents, nuclear power would be completely uneconomic. The Australia Institute’s submission to the Inquiry into the prerequisites for nuclear energy in Australia, shows that establishing a nuclear

Aggregating Land Tax Good Policy but Cuts Go Too Far: Australia Institute

The Australia Institute’s submission to the State Government’s review of the draft Land Tax (Miscellaneous) Amendments Bill 2019 supports the idea of aggregating land portfolios for taxation purposes but raises concerns about the lost revenue that will result from deep cuts to the state’s top rate of land tax. “The proposed changes to land tax

August 2019

July 2019

Canberra shows Australia: Progressive policies nationally popular and proven to work

Most Australians want 100% renewable energy, a stamp duty to land tax swap and pill testing at music festivals in their own state, new national polling from The Australia Institute shows. A new report from The Australia Institute, authored by Bill Browne, shows that most of the Australian Capital Territory’s innovative policies have majority support

June 2019

Men will get almost twice the benefit from later stages of unlegislated income tax cuts as women: new research

The final stage of the Morrison Government’s unlegislated income tax plan, stage 3(a) favours males by a ratio of almost two to one, according to a new distributional analysis from The Australia Institute’s senior economist Matt Grudnoff.   The Morrison Government is yet to legislate the additional tax cuts announced in the 2019-20 Federal Budget,

Australia can Follow Finland to Reverse TAFE and Training Crisis

Australia should consider whether it wants a higher education and vocational training system more like that of Finland or more like the USA, according to a new report from The Australia Institute’s Nordic Policy Centre. The report, co-authored by Professor Andrew Scott, Emeritus Professor Tor Hundloe and Mr Shirley Jackson, shows Australian vocational training is

May 2019

Health Costs Outpace Inflation

Out-of-pocket health costs have skyrocketed compared with all other prices as measured by the Consumer Price Index, shows new analysis by The Australia Institute. The analysis using ABS data shows that health costs have more than doubled the rise in CPI with a 24 per cent increase in health costs compared with 11 per cent

April 2019

Research: ‘latte sippers’ and ‘chardonnay drinkers’ vote Liberal/National

New research from The Australia Institute dispels stereotypes around what Australians drink and their political leanings finding that café latte drinkers vote Liberal/National more than any other party. Among regular latte drinkers, voting intentions were 34% LNP, 32% Labor, 16% Greens 7% One Nation, 12% other Regular chai latte drinkers are also most likely to

March 2019

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