December 2024

Our crisis of integrity looms in the Pacific

by Elizabeth Morison in The Canberra Times

“An Albanese Labor government will restore Australia’s climate leadership, and listen and act on Pacific island warnings of the existential threat of climate change.” Despite a clear election campaign commitment to listen to Pacific Island nations and act on climate change, the Australian government continues to enable and encourage new and expanded fossil fuel projects. When it

An endangered Maugean Skate in Macquarie Harbour on Tasmania's west coast. A unique endangered fish found only in Tasmania is surviving in just one lake, scientists have confirmed, ruling out the possibility of insurance populations being used to save the species.

Salmon spin and pollution all a bit fishy

by Eloise Carr and Rod Campbell in The Mercury

Salmon companies are ripping off Tasmania and trying to pass it off as yet another ‘jobs vs environment’ fight. This is the kind of fight that Tasmanian politicians love to have, and like performing seals, the Tasmanian government and opposition have lined up to bark and do their tricks. But the fight over salmon farming

November 2024

Shortlist for the Australia Institute Climate Cartoon Award

We are delighted to sponsor this year’s Australia Institute Climate Cartoon Award, organised by the Australian Cartoonists Association. The winner will be announced on Saturday, 30th November at the 40th Annual Stanleys Awards at Old Parliament House. This year’s shortlisted cartoons are as follows: Megan Herbert Judy Horacek Glen Le Lievre David Pope David Rowe

Secretive and rushed: Unpacking SA’s new electoral laws

by Amy Remeikis and Bill Browne

As dramatic changes to South Australian electoral law pass the house of review (Legislative Council), voters could be forgiven for wondering “what just happened?”

A week ago, no one had seen the government’s revised Electoral (Accountability and Integrity) Amendment Bill 2024. Now, it’s set to become law.

Amy Remeikis and the Director of The Australia Institute’s Democracy and Accountability Program, Bill Browne, unpack how we got here … and what should happen next.

A Time for Bravery

by Amy Remeikis

Welcome to The Australia Institute, Amy Remeikis

Amy is one of Australia’s most respected political observers.

She proudly swims against the tide of spin which swirls around the Canberra bubble.

This is her first column for The Australia Institute.

October 2024

Ozymandias Revisited – The doomed conceit of AUKUS

by Allan Behm in The Australian

Three years on, there is still no compelling argument, strategic or otherwise, for Australia’s acquiring eight Virginia class nuclear-propelled submarines (SSNs). Nor is there any compelling calculation of the large lick of funding – $368 billion and more – that the program will soak up. Only Defence seems able to command such stupendous outlays when

Six ideas to fix Australia’s secrecy problem

The Australia Institute’s inaugural 2024 Transparency Summit brought together experts, whistleblowers and those working to ensure the interests of all Australians are represented in our policy-making process. We are sleepwalking towards disaster when we accept the idea that the more secret we are about decision-making, the safer we’ll be. – Richard Denniss, Executive Director of

A lack of transparency and integrity lies near the heart of every political issue facing Australia.

Super-powered nukes: Is your superannuation funding weapons of mass destruction?

by Adam Gottschalk

When you choose your superannuation fund, you’re probably not thinking about weapons of mass destruction. But it might surprise you to learn that if you’re with one of Australia’s largest funds, your money is going into the production of nuclear weapons. Research published last month by Quit Nukes and The Australia Institute found that 13

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