Media Releases

November 2021

Victorian Government rejection of Gippsland Mineral Sand Mine: Win for Community & Local Economy

The Australia Institute welcomes the decision by Victorian State Minister for Planning Richard Wynne to reject the Fingerboards Mineral Sands project proposed by Kalbar Resources. Rod Campbell, Research Director at The Australia Institute, was an expert witness in the planning hearings that led to the rejection. He was called by community group Mine-Free Glenaladale. “We

Majority of Australians Want Stronger Whistleblower Protections

Seven in 10 Australians want more legal protections for whistleblowers and say that whistleblowers make Australia a better place, finds new research by The Australia Institute and the Human Rights Law Centre. Key Findings: Over 7 in 10 Australians (71%) agree that whistleblower protections for public servants should be strengthened The vast majority of Australians

COP26 Glasgow Ends: Coal Phase Down Agreed, Glimmer of Hope Remains

“If COP26 is judged on its ability to advance emissions reductions, then Glasgow has already moved the dial forward,” said Richie Merzian, Climate & Energy Program Director at the Australia Institute, from Glasgow. “Attempts to name and shame fossil fuels have been blocked for major fossil fuel producers in the UN, but finally a line

New paper exposes five wealthy countries whose fossil fuel production threatens chances of keeping 1.5ºC hope alive

The Fossil Fuelled 5 examines five wealthy nations – the US, Canada, Norway, Australia and the UK – that have a widening gap between their rhetoric on climate action and their plans to expand the production of fossil fuels. The paper gives a snapshot of how each is undermining global efforts to address the climate

Analysis: Federal Government Net Zero Modelling is Economic Science Fiction

The Australia Institute has reviewed the Federal Government’s newly released Long-term emissions reduction plan: Modelling and Analysis. “The Federal Government’s climate modelling is like economic science fiction,” said Dr Richard Denniss, chief economist at The Australia Institute. “The claimed economic benefits come not from avoiding catastrophic climate change, that is ignored, but from a speculative $50 billion

‘Technology Not Taxes’: a Failure Australia Has Seen Before

The Morrison Government’s plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with ‘technology not taxes’ is neither plausible nor original. New Australia Institute analysis shows that back in 1997 the Howard Government announced a similar plan, with no carbon price and no regulatory restrictions on fossil fuels, that failed to deliver more than 400 MT CO2-e of

Australia drops four places on global climate ranking

The annual Climate Change Performance Index released today has ranked Australia last on climate policy, ranking in 64th place. Furthermore, Australia dropped four places to 58th out of 64 places overall in the index, ahead of only Korea, Chinese Taipei, Canada, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Kazakhstan. Australia received very low ratings for its performance across

Federal Government’s Future Fuels Electric Vehicle Announcement Little More Than Another Pamphlet

“The Federal Government’s new Future Fuels Strategy will struggle to drive up electric vehicles sales and drive down transport emissions. Norway, the global leader on EVs, has driven the transition to cheaper, faster, and cleaner vehicles through credible policies and regulations,” said Richie Merzian, climate & energy program director at the Australia Institute. “The Prime

New analysis: Australia backsliding in climate adaptation approach

The COP26 Presidency has stated Monday 8 November in Glasgow will focus on the theme of adaptation, to ensure all countries enhance their resilience in the face of unavoidable climate impacts. Despite updating its National Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategy ahead of Glasgow, Australia remains especially at risk and lagging significantly behind other countries in

Australia’s fossil fuel expansion plans equivalent to over 200 new coal power stations

New research from the Australia Institute Climate & Energy Program reveals that planned new gas and coal projects in Australia would result in almost 1.7 billion tonnes of CO2e emissions annually – equivalent to building over 200 new coal power stations. This would be four times the amount of new coal power stations planned by

Active Policy Measures Needed to Stop Decline of Journalism

The media and information industries have lost some 60,000 jobs in Australia over the last 15 years. With almost half of those jobs lost during the COVID-19 pandemic, new research shows active policy supports are urgently needed to stabilise and protect the ‘public good’ function of journalism. A new report by the Australia Institute’s Centre

October 2021

G20 Message to World Leaders: Don’t Let Australia Cheat on Climate Action and Wreck Glasgow COP26

To coincide with the G20 Summit in Rome 30-31 October, and COP26 in Glasgow which begins 31 October, the Australia Institute has placed several full-page advertisements to ask world leaders not to let Prime Minister Scott Morrison cheat on meaningful climate action. Building on research showing a lack of evidence that the Federal Government is

On Eve of Federal Election, Government Looks to Disenfranchise Voters While Ignoring Long-Overdue Democracy Reforms

Key details: The Morrison Government has introduced a bill to Parliament to change the requirements for voters, to show identification on polling day. This is a well-used tactic to disenfranchise voters – particularly young voters, Indigenous voters, and voters with no fixed address. The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has previously described multiple voting as “by

SA EV Tax Improved but Support Still Inadequate

The passage of the EV Tax through the South Australian Parliament with some, but not adequate, compensatory support for the fledging electric vehicle sector is regrettable, The Australia institute has said. While important improvements were made to the EV Tax package in South Australia, including a six-year delay to the tax’s implementation and temporary purchase

‘Actions Speak Louder than Words’: Net Zero by 2050 a Fraud Without Transition from Fossil Fuels

The Morrison Government’s Net Zero by 2050 deal is a fraud while the Government plots to double coal exports, open vast new gas fields and prop-up coal generated power. Furthermore, the budgetary cost of persuading the National Party to support Scott Morrison’s net zero target are trivial compared to the costs to the economy of

New Analysis: Nationals Deal to Cost Economy $210 billion

The budgetary cost of persuading the National Party to support Scott Morrison’s net zero target are trivial compared to the costs to the economy of delaying new investment according to a new Australia Institute analysis of economic modelling. The Business Council of Australia recently released modelling by Deloitte Access Economics of the economic benefits of

Parliament’s Chance to Pass a Federal Integrity Commission with Teeth

The National Integrity Committee welcomes the tabling in the Senate today by Senator Rex Patrick of Helen Haines’ Australian Federal Integrity Commission Bill to establish a Federal Integrity Commission. Recent events have highlighted the urgent need for a well-designed commission, with the powers of a standing royal commission and with safeguards against misuse of those

Offsetting up for failure: Northern Territory Climate Offsets Policy

With the impacts of climate change already being felt in the Northern Territory, new research shows the Northern Territory Government’s draft Greenhouse Gas Emissions Offsets Policy should be abandoned or at least heavily revised. A submission from The Australia Institute’s Climate & Energy Program shows that the proposed offset system would undermine existing NT Government

Tasmanians support stronger action on climate change

Climate of the Nation 2021 Benchmark Report – Tasmanian supplement Amid the Tasmanian Government’s announcement to legislate net zero by 2030, new research shows Tasmanians have expressed their support for stronger action to prepare for and adapt to the impacts of global warming (61%, compared to 55% nationally), and six in ten (62%) oppose any

Accountability Failure: Executive Government’s Unchecked Power to send Australians to War

New research has revealed a fundamental failure in accountability surrounding the process of how Australia decides to engage in armed conflict overseas. In Australia, the decision to engage in armed conflict is taken by the Executive government without reference to the Parliament. Research by The Australia Institute’s Democracy & Accountability and Security & International Affairs

Upper House Now Final Barrier Against SA Gov’s Misguided EV Tax

The Australia Institute has welcomed SA Labor’s strong opposition to the SA Government’s Electric Vehicle Tax during debate in the Lower House today and has called on the Parliament’s Upper House to reject the flawed policy. “The State Government’s deeply flawed EV Tax will pull the handbrake on the uptake of EVs and effective climate

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