Media Releases

April 2022

$7.4b Dam Announcement Doesn’t Hold Economic Water: Research

New research has found that the Federal Government’s announcement that it will spend $7.4b on dams does not deliver value for money and provides less employment and GDP growth than if the same amount were invested in other parts of the economy. The research reveals that if the $5.4b announced for the Hells Gate Dam

Allegations of Political Lies Underscore Need for Truth in Political Advertising Laws

In just the second week of the federal election campaign, voters are already seeing heated accusations of lying from all sides, underscoring the need for federal truth in political advertising laws. Key Points: South Australia has had truth in political advertising laws since the 1980s. The ACT Legislative Assembly passed similar laws prior to the

Government Energy Claims Don’t Stack Up

“Australia’s electricity grid is not fit-for-purpose and requires additional investment. The long-term benefits include a more stable grid and cheaper power prices thanks to onboarding more renewables,” said Richie Merzian, Climate & Energy Program Director at the Australia Institute. “The evidence shows that wholesale electricity prices have increased in every jurisdiction in the National Electricity

New Police Powers a Threat to Civil Society: Research Submission

The Tasmanian Government’s proposed law for a police crackdown on peaceful protest has been criticised as anti-democratic and a threat to civil society, in a submission by independent think-tank the Australia Institute, Tasmania. Key points in submission: Bill undermines freedom of expression, association and assembly for the Tasmanian public Bill contains unclear, broad and discretionary

Polling: National Integrity Powers to Investigate and Deter Corruption Crucial

New polling finds that most Australians support the formation of a national integrity commission with the powers it needs to investigate and deter corruption. Key Findings: Seven in 10 Australians (69%) agree that not legislating an integrity commission represents a broken election promise by the Coalition When asked which from a list of eight powers

Australian Youth Job Guarantee Needed to Repair Pandemic Devastation: New Report

Australia should follow the European example and introduce a Youth Job Guarantee, according to a new report from the Australia Institute which reveals the true extent of youth employment devastation during the pandemic. Despite representing just 14 per cent of workers, the new report, ‘Youth unemployment and the pandemic’, shows young people (aged 15-24) bore 39

Universal Public Early Child Education in Australia Would Pay For Itself: Research Report

Making Early Child Education and Care (ECEC) universal in Australia would pay for itself by unlocking women’s labour supply, boosting GDP and growing government revenues by billions, according to new research from the Australia Institute’s Centre for Future Work. With cost of living shaping up as a key election issue, policy experts say boosted funding would

Federal Coal Closure Changes No Substitute for Real Roadmap

Statement in response to Federal Government announcement it seeks to delay coal fired power plant closures by introducing new rules that five years’ notice must be provided before closing power stations. “What we are seeing is another knee-jerk reaction from Minister Taylor because Australia’s Energy Minister was left out of key negotiations on Australia’s largest

Tidal Wave of Alarm for Tassie Oceans Amid Landmark Marine Law Review: Research

An overwhelming majority of Tasmanians (76%) are concerned about the dire state of Tasmania’s coastal waters and oceans amid a landmark law review aimed at protecting the marine environment and economy, according to new research from the Australia Institute Tasmania. The new polling supports the Australia Institute Tasmania’s call for a marine law overhaul, contained

SA Polls: Boothby, Sturt Contests Heat Up as Voters Back Protecting Great Australian Bight

Post-Budget surveys in the South Australian federal electorates of Boothby and Sturt have shown both seats could be in play at the upcoming election, with a mixed reaction to the Budget and a strong desire for protecting the Great Australian Bight recorded by voters. Key results, Boothby: 2PP: Labor Party 57%, Liberal Party 43%. Four

Tassie Deserves More Representatives in Wake of Premier’s Shock Resignation

The Australia Institute Tasmania thanks Premier Peter Gutwein for his dedication and hard work over the last two years as Premier and 20 years as a Member of Parliament, including six of those as Treasurer. “Premier Gutwein worked extremely hard during the COVID pandemic for Tasmanians and delivered a much greater level of support to

Govt spends more on advertising than Coles, Woolworths, McDonalds amid crossbench calls for greater oversight

New research reveals the Australian Government spends more on advertising than several major corporations, including Coles, Woolworths & McDonalds. New polling also reveals the overwhelming majority of Australians (76%) want greater independent oversight over the use of taxpayer money for government advertising.

Narrabri Coal Mine Approval No Joke for Climate

“Today’s decision by the NSW Independent Planning Commission (IPC) decision to approve this coal mine is no joke for our climate,” said Rod Campbell, Research Director at The Australia Institute. “The IPC has got it wrong on climate, tax and economics. The decision to approve Whitehaven Coal’s Narrabri mine extension to 2044 is reckless and

March 2022

Crossbench Independents Launch Reform Agenda for 47th Parliament

Crossbench MPs, Helen Haines MP, Rebekha Sharkie MP and Zali Steggall MP will be joined by the Australia Institute to launch a new report outlining potential democratic reforms for the next parliament, including: A federal ICAC with teeth Truth in political advertising laws Code of Conduct for MPs Ministerial diaries to be made public Reforms

Removing Designated Fathers Leave Threatens to Worsen Gender Inequality

“Australia has missed a great opportunity to improve its parental leave policies, invest in children’s early years, support parents and improve gender equality,” said Professor Andrew Scott at Deakin University and Convenor of The Australia Institute’s Nordic Policy Centre. “The Budget decision to abolish the designation of two weeks parental leave for fathers from Australia’s

Fuel Excise Cut ‘Bad Economic Policy’

The Federal Government Budget 2022 has cut the fuel excise by 22 cents for a six month period. “The fuel excise cut is bad economic management, bad economic policy, and bad policy full stop,” said Richie Merzian, climate & energy director at the Australia Institute. “For the last nine years this government has kept Australians

83 Percent of Beer Excise Cuts Would Flow to Men

Cutting the excise on beer from kegs is an ineffective and inequitable way to support the hospitality sector, reduce cost of living pressures, and reduce excessive drinking according to a new report released by The Australia Institute. “The overwhelming majority of beer drinkers in Australia are men, and the overwhelming majority of hospitality venues don’t

Vic Govt. democratic reforms supported by vast majority of voters: Polling

Truth in political advertising laws would be a first for Victoria The announcement today from the Victorian Government that it will back a wide range of democratic and electoral reforms, recommended by the multi-party Electoral Matters Committee and the Australia Institute, would be supported by a vast majority of Victorians, according to new polling. The

New Research: Australia’s Skills System Continues to Crumble After COVID

Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) system shows growing signs of erosion, fragmentation and dysfunction, according to new research from the Australia Institute’s Centre for Future Work. The research reveals a grim picture of a VET system starved of consistent funding or focus, fragmenting into scattered offerings of non-accredited and ‘micro-credential’ courses, mostly provided by

Time to Scrap SA’s EV Tax as Petrol Prices Surge

The new South Australian Labor Government has been encouraged to move ahead with its promised scrapping of the state based EV Tax sooner rather than later, due to the rapidly increasing cost of petrol and confirmation that the Federal Government is considering options for a national tax on electric cars. Background: Laws introducing a South

Disinformation is Our Burning Platform – Government Action Urgently Required

Today’s report from the government’s media regulator ACMA shows once and for all that the digital platforms can not be trusted to manage the safety of their own information flows. “The report and Minister Fletcher’s announcement the government will increase ACMA’s powers to hold big tech to account for harmful content is well overdue,” said

False Climate Solutions Expand Demand for Gas and Coal

A new tv advertisement will begin airing nationally from Sunday featuring research from the Australia Institute that exposes the false solutions to climate change currently perpetrated by the fossil fuel industry. The initiative builds on research by the Australia Institute showing that dodgy carbon credits and dirty hydrogen are actually expanding the demand for gas

Tassie Corruption Body a Toothless Tiger: Research

New research has found the Integrity Commission Tasmania is one of the weakest anti-corruption bodies in Australia, with polling revealing nearly one in two Tasmanians distrust the current Commission’s ability to uncover and prevent misconduct in politics and public administration. The report reveals that Tasmania’s anti-corruption body is one of the lowest funded in Australia,

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