Media Releases

October 2024

Miles government policies popular with Queenslanders: poll

As opinion polls suggest the Miles Labor Government is closing the gap on the Liberal National Opposition ahead of this Saturday’s state election, new research from The Australia Institute reveals most Queenslanders support cost of living, environmental and reproductive rights policies. The research follows existing Australia Institute polling research which finds most Australians support proven

Transparency Summit blows the whistle on Australia’s culture of secrecy

Integrity experts, academics and parliamentarians gather in Canberra today for the Australia Institute’s Transparency Summit: Secrecy is not security, held in collaboration with the Human Rights Law Centre, Whistleblower Justice Fund, Alliance for Journalists’ Freedom and Transparency International Australia. The Transparency Summit connects those have been stonewalled – and explain why open government and public access to information is

Experts warn WA Government of gas price threat from Woodside’s export extension

New Australia Institute analysis shows that Woodside’s North West Shelf (NWS) Extension proposal represents a major threat to WA’s domestic gas market. The proposal is seeking approval from WA Environment and Energy Minister Reece Whitby. Today The Australia Institute is joined by two former WA premiers, Carmen Lawrence and Peter Dowding, and oil and gas

Latest report on failure of offset program supports move from net zero to real zero

An academic report released today outlining the failure of carbon offsets has found Australia’s biggest carbon credit method is barely removing any greenhouse gas from the atmosphere. The report adds to the significant body of independent analysis demonstrating that Australia’s carbon credits are not effectively storing or avoiding carbon emissions, and when used as carbon

NACC Paladin finding raises more questions than answers

A report by the National Anti-Corruption Commission into payments to a former Department of Home Affairs official by a company with a lucrative contract with Home Affairs raises more questions than answers. Bill Browne, Director of the Australia Institute’s Democracy and Accountability Program, says the report is disappointing when it comes to transparency and public

“Nature Positive” summit can’t conceal nature negative policies

A full-page advertisement published this morning by the Australia Institute warns that government policies and actions are overwhelmingly “nature negative” despite the NSW and Federal governments co-hosting the world’s first “Global Nature Positive Summit” in Sydney today. Published this morning in The Sydney Morning Herald and The Canberra Times, the advertisement highlights that Environment Minister

President of Timor-Leste, José Ramos-Horta, visits Australia as guest of the Australia Institute to discuss independence, peace and security

José Ramos-Horta, President of Timor-Leste and Nobel Peace Laureate, has arrived in Australia for a week-long national speaking tour. President Ramos-Horta is a guest of the Australia Institute for two key public events. The Australia Institute is celebrating its 30th anniversary. President Ramos-Horta’s visit will focus on the importance of geopolitical issues and the need

IMF confirms — tax concessions distorting Australia’s housing market

Findings released today from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) align with existing research from the Australia Institute that tax concessions are distorting Australia’s housing market. The IMF noted that “tax breaks, including from capital gains tax discount and superannuation concessions, could be phased out to generate a more equitable and efficient tax system”. Supporting the

Negative gearing and capital gains tax discount driving up house prices

Restricting negative gearing and scrapping the capital gains tax discount would make housing more affordable and increase home ownership rates, the Australia Institute has said in a recent submission. Key Findings: A major cause of rising house prices has been increased demand from investors. Restricting negative gearing to newly built housing and scrapping the capital

September 2024

Report: Fire ants to kill 6 Queenslanders and cost households $188 million annually if not eradicated

As fire ant numbers surge across Brisbane and the Gold Coast, new research shows Queensland households could be hit with an annual bill of $188 million, if they are not eradicated. The report, released by the Australia Institute, estimates that, if fire ants are allowed to spread, every year they could cause six deaths, trigger 116,000 medical visits and

Coles, Woolies’ Secret Pricing Deal Undercuts Inflation Claims

Coles and Woolworths seem to take turns offering items on sale, showing that they are more concerned with protecting their market power than competing against each other, Australia Institute research has revealed. The ACCC this week launched legal action against Coles and Woolworths for misleading consumers through discount pricing claims on hundreds of products at

Open Letter Calls on Government to Set Timeline for End of New Fossil Fuel Projects

A group of Australia’s leading climate and environment organisations have signed an open letter, coordinated by the Australia Institute and published today in the Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, and The Canberra Times, calling on the federal government to tell Australians when it will stop approving new coal, oil and gas projects. The open letter

Coal Mine Approvals Undermine Climate Goals, Government Rhetoric

The approval of three new coal mines in the Hunter Valley, during a rapidly escalating climate crisis, is shocking given the federal government’s stated commitment to climate action, the Australia Institute has said. Key Points: The federal government has approved three coal mines in the Hunter Valley Whitehaven Coal’s Narrabri Underground Mine Stage 3 Extension

ACCC Suing Supermarkets as Price Gouging Drives Inflation, Rate Hikes

The ACCC launching legal action against Coles and Woolworths today for misleading consumers reinforces the findings of Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work research, that showed inflation is higher because of big businesses price gouging. Key Points: The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has launched legal action against Coles and Woolworths for misleading

WA gas policy changes: East coast-style mess looms

The Western Australian Government’s changes to the state’s domestic gas policy give companies more opportunities to export gas and further reduce domestic gas supply, said The Australia Institute. Key Findings: Exports of gas are threatening the stability of WA’s gas market. The policy changes announced today allow more of WA’s domestic onshore gas to be

Overdue report delivers scathing assessment of Tasmanian Government’s environmental record 

The State of the Environment Report released today shows that Tasmania’s unique environmental assets have been severely impacted by years of neglect from the state government, the Australia Institute has said. Key Findings: The Tasmanian Government has released the first State of the Environment Report in 15 years. The report shows that the Government has

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