Media Releases
October 2024
Net more white collar crooks by giving whistleblowers a slice of the criminal pie
Employees who expose rip-offs like price gouging, tax evasion, wage theft, collusion or insider trading would be rewarded with a slice of the millions of dollars they help recover under reforms proposed by the Australia Institute.
Experts warn WA Government of gas price threat from Woodside’s export extension
New Australia Institute analysis shows that Woodside’s North West Shelf (NWS) Extension proposal represents a major threat to WA’s domestic gas market. The proposal is seeking approval from WA Environment and Energy Minister Reece Whitby. Today The Australia Institute is joined by two former WA premiers, Carmen Lawrence and Peter Dowding, and oil and gas
Australia can make speeding fines fair with proportional model: Report
Making traffic fines proportional to drivers’ incomes, as is done in Finland, is a fairer system according to a new report from The Australia Institute, supported by Uniting Vic Tas and Financial Counselling Victoria.
Latest report on failure of offset program supports move from net zero to real zero
An academic report released today outlining the failure of carbon offsets has found Australia’s biggest carbon credit method is barely removing any greenhouse gas from the atmosphere. The report adds to the significant body of independent analysis demonstrating that Australia’s carbon credits are not effectively storing or avoiding carbon emissions, and when used as carbon
NACC Paladin finding raises more questions than answers
A report by the National Anti-Corruption Commission into payments to a former Department of Home Affairs official by a company with a lucrative contract with Home Affairs raises more questions than answers. Bill Browne, Director of the Australia Institute’s Democracy and Accountability Program, says the report is disappointing when it comes to transparency and public
SA Government secrecy over proposed changes to electoral laws a bad sign for trust in politics
The South Australian Government has refused to disclose submissions to its consultation into proposed changes to electoral law.
Asian groups call on Australia to stop new fossil gas projects
Non-government organisations from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan have signed an open letter urging Australia to stop new fossil gas projects. The letter was published as a full-page advertisement in The Sydney Morning Herald and The Canberra Times, coordinated by The Australia Institute. The groups say that Asia’s energy systems are shifting to use more
“Nature Positive” summit can’t conceal nature negative policies
A full-page advertisement published this morning by the Australia Institute warns that government policies and actions are overwhelmingly “nature negative” despite the NSW and Federal governments co-hosting the world’s first “Global Nature Positive Summit” in Sydney today. Published this morning in The Sydney Morning Herald and The Canberra Times, the advertisement highlights that Environment Minister
President of Timor-Leste, José Ramos-Horta, visits Australia as guest of the Australia Institute to discuss independence, peace and security
José Ramos-Horta, President of Timor-Leste and Nobel Peace Laureate, has arrived in Australia for a week-long national speaking tour. President Ramos-Horta is a guest of the Australia Institute for two key public events. The Australia Institute is celebrating its 30th anniversary. President Ramos-Horta’s visit will focus on the importance of geopolitical issues and the need
IMF confirms — tax concessions distorting Australia’s housing market
Findings released today from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) align with existing research from the Australia Institute that tax concessions are distorting Australia’s housing market. The IMF noted that “tax breaks, including from capital gains tax discount and superannuation concessions, could be phased out to generate a more equitable and efficient tax system”. Supporting the
Big Super is still investing in nuclear weapons
A new report has found that despite claiming not to invest in ‘controversial weapons’ 13 of the top 14 Australian super funds are still investing in nuclear weapons companies, in some cases even in an option described as ‘responsible’, new research from The Australia Institute and Quit Nukes has found. Key results At least $3.4
Negative gearing and capital gains tax discount driving up house prices
Restricting negative gearing and scrapping the capital gains tax discount would make housing more affordable and increase home ownership rates, the Australia Institute has said in a recent submission. Key Findings: A major cause of rising house prices has been increased demand from investors. Restricting negative gearing to newly built housing and scrapping the capital
September 2024
Report: Fire ants to kill 6 Queenslanders and cost households $188 million annually if not eradicated
As fire ant numbers surge across Brisbane and the Gold Coast, new research shows Queensland households could be hit with an annual bill of $188 million, if they are not eradicated. The report, released by the Australia Institute, estimates that, if fire ants are allowed to spread, every year they could cause six deaths, trigger 116,000 medical visits and
Coles, Woolies’ Secret Pricing Deal Undercuts Inflation Claims
Coles and Woolworths seem to take turns offering items on sale, showing that they are more concerned with protecting their market power than competing against each other, Australia Institute research has revealed. The ACCC this week launched legal action against Coles and Woolworths for misleading consumers through discount pricing claims on hundreds of products at
Open Letter Calls on Government to Set Timeline for End of New Fossil Fuel Projects
A group of Australia’s leading climate and environment organisations have signed an open letter, coordinated by the Australia Institute and published today in the Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, and The Canberra Times, calling on the federal government to tell Australians when it will stop approving new coal, oil and gas projects. The open letter
Coal Mine Approvals Undermine Climate Goals, Government Rhetoric
The approval of three new coal mines in the Hunter Valley, during a rapidly escalating climate crisis, is shocking given the federal government’s stated commitment to climate action, the Australia Institute has said. Key Points: The federal government has approved three coal mines in the Hunter Valley Whitehaven Coal’s Narrabri Underground Mine Stage 3 Extension
ACCC Suing Supermarkets as Price Gouging Drives Inflation, Rate Hikes
The ACCC launching legal action against Coles and Woolworths today for misleading consumers reinforces the findings of Australia Institute and Centre for Future Work research, that showed inflation is higher because of big businesses price gouging. Key Points: The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has launched legal action against Coles and Woolworths for misleading
WA gas policy changes: East coast-style mess looms
The Western Australian Government’s changes to the state’s domestic gas policy give companies more opportunities to export gas and further reduce domestic gas supply, said The Australia Institute. Key Findings: Exports of gas are threatening the stability of WA’s gas market. The policy changes announced today allow more of WA’s domestic onshore gas to be
Overdue report delivers scathing assessment of Tasmanian Government’s environmental record
The State of the Environment Report released today shows that Tasmania’s unique environmental assets have been severely impacted by years of neglect from the state government, the Australia Institute has said. Key Findings: The Tasmanian Government has released the first State of the Environment Report in 15 years. The report shows that the Government has
No Shortage of Gas or Profits — Only Shortage of Tax
Australia Institute research has shown that there is no shortage of gas in Australia, in either the short or medium term, and that it is gas exports that are putting pressure on domestic supply. Continued attempts by the gas industry to claim a domestic shortage while expanding gas exports show that there is no shortage of
Analysis: 95% of Government Revenue not from Mining Industry
Claims from the mining industry that they are significant funders of public services in Australia are overblown, ignore the fact that their profits are made off the back of public resources, and are heavily publicly subsidised, the Australia Institute has said. Key Points: Taxes and royalties paid by the mining industry make up just 5 cents
Scrap fuel tax rebates for mining industry, not farmers
The Fuel Tax Credits Scheme should be scrapped for the mining industry, not farmers, the Australia Institute has said in response to calls at today’s National Farmer Rally to keep the tax rebate for the agricultural industry. Key Findings: The Fuel Tax Credits Scheme, also called the Diesel Fuel Rebate, is a subsidy for fossil
Pure Farce: Gas Import Proposal Shows Extraordinary Export Failure
Plans to import LNG to Australia reveal the extraordinary failure of consecutive Australian governments to stand up to multinational gas corporations, the Australia Institute has said. Key Points: Australia is one of the biggest exporters of gas in the world, alongside Qatar. Around 80% of Australia’s gas is exported as liquefied natural gas (LNG). Over
Cost-of-Living Silences Live Music for Young Australians
A significant proportion of young Australians say attending live music is important to them, but rising costs are a major barrier to young peoples’ attendance at live music, a first-of-its-kind national survey conducted by The Australia Institute and commissioned by The Push has found. As the live music industry in Australia continues to struggle financially,
GDP Figures Show Per Capita Recession Entrenched Amid Inequality Crisis
Today’s national account figures show that GDP per capita fell by 0.4% during the June quarter. This is the 6th consecutive quarter of negative GDP per capita growth, showing that Australia is in a per capita recession amid an ongoing inequality crisis. Key Points: GDP per capita growth of –0.4% represents the 6th consecutive quarter of
August 2024
SA Government’s Proposed Donations Bill a Threat to Political Competition
The Malinauskas Labor Government’s proposed donations changes are a threat to political competition in South Australia and should be rejected or significantly redrafted, the Australia Institute has said.
Former ACCC Chair Professor Allan Fels to Deliver Third Annual Laurie Carmichael Lecture
The Carmichael Centre is proud to announce that the third annual Laurie Carmichael Lecture will be delivered on 5 September 2024 by Professor Allan Fels AO, former Chair of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and Chair of the recent Inquiry into Price Gouging and Unfair Business Practices.
Private company gatekeeping information detrimental to public debate
Following the refusal of Darwin International Airport to host billboards advertising Australia Institute research findings, the Australia Institute will be seeking to place similar ads in every capital city airport in the country.
2% Levy on Gambling Revenue Could Replace Free-To-Air Advertising Spend
A small levy on the many billions of dollars that gambling companies extract from Australians could compensate the media for revenue lost from a potential gambling advertising ban, with enough left over to increase funding for the ABC, new research from the Australia Institute shows.
Tax System Turbocharging Wealth Inequality in Australia
The wealth of Australia’s richest 200 people nearly tripled as a share of GDP over the last two decades, as inequality grew to new record levels in the country, the Australia Institute has shown.
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Emily Bird Office Manager
Media Enquiries
Glenn Connley Senior Media Advisor