Past Events
The End of Certainty
Katharine Murphy
Aged Care & Ageing Well at Home
Ged Kearney, Beris Campbell OAM & Ruth Kestermann
A Plan for Planet A
Craig Reucassel
East Timor, oil & secret prosecutions
José Ramos-Horta & Bernard Collaery
Pandemic Mental Health: New Problems & New Ideas
Simone Read, Hon Andrew Robb AO, Tania De Jong AM, Dr Prash Puspanathan
Electrifying our Roads: Norway’s Way
Christina Bu & Giles Parkinson
COVID-19: The View from Intensive Care
Professor John Fraser, Professor Carol Hodgson & Dr. Dan Meyer
Why TAFE is Critical to Economic Recovery
Michele O'Neil & Correna Haythorpe
United in a Global Crisis
Elliott Harris
The pandemic, mental health and beyond
Hon Julia Gillard AC
The War on Populism & Fight for Democracy
Thomas Frank
Unpacking the Mini-Budget
Ebony Bennett, Richard Denniss & Matt Grudnoff
Treaty & Sovereignty
Professor Megan Davis, Jamie Lowe & Michael Mansell
Navigating the Australia-China Relationship
Professor Jane Golley
The Reconstruction: Building Back Better or Just Bigger
Dr Richard Denniss
War is not a Metaphor
Allan Gyngell AO
The Deficit Myth
Professor Stephanie Kelton
Safeguarding our Democracy
Helen Haines, The Hon David Harper AM QC & The Hon Margaret White AO
Protecting Workers as the Economy Re-Opens
Sally McManus
Renewing Australia with a Green New Deal
Adam Bandt
The role of climate action in rebuilding after the pandemic
Zali Steggall OAM
The Australian Government Health Response
Hon. Greg Hunt
International responses to COVID-19
Helen Clark, Former NZ Prime Minister
Powering Up: Opportunities for Australian Manufacturing In the Era of Renewables
Professor Ross Garnaut AC
View From the Press Gallery
Amy Remeikis & Samantha Maiden
The Public Health Response
Laureate Professor Peter Doherty
The Role of Artists & the Arts in Rescuing the Economy
Melanie Tait & Senator Sarah Hanson-Young