Dr Lisa Heap is a labour lawyer and researcher with a research focus on gender and inequalities at work, work health and safety and the regulation of work. She holds degrees in political science/industrial relations, law and applied human rights. Lisa’s PhD in Law from RMIT University investigated new regulatory approaches to prevent gender-based violence and harassment at work.
Lisa is the former Executive Director of the Australian Institute of Employment Rights and had a lengthy career in the union movement. She also previously served as an Adjunct Professor of the Australian Catholic University and has been engaged by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) as a technical expert. Lisa contributed to the development of two ILO Conventions (Maternity Protection and Violence and Harassment).
Lisa is a leading expert on gender pay equity and gendered violence at work. She has advised several New Zealand and Australian unions and appeared in pay equity cases before tribunals in both countries. As the Women’s Lead at Victorian Trades Hall Council (2015-2018), Lisa led the Victorian union movement’s strategy and campaign to have sexual harassment and other forms of gendered violence treated as a work health and safety concern.
Media Enquiries
Glenn Connley Senior Media Advisor