In The Media
November 2019
August 2019
July 2019
May 2019
March 2019
July 2018
Dr. Jim Stanford interview with Alan Hickey, 5AA Radio – Insecure Work
Interview Jim Stanford, Director of Centre for Future Work, The Australia Institute.
September 2017
Poker Machine Research, Ultra 106.5
The Australia Institute Tasmania’s research into poker machine reform was featured this week on the ABC’s 7:30. Bill Browne explains to Dave that his polling of the Franklin electorate found that over 80% of Tasmanians want fewer poker machines in the state, or for poker machines to be banned altogether.
August 2017
July 2017
Unemployment steady, full-time jobs rebound, but is the economy as good as it looks?
A surge in full-time employment over the past five months has raised optimism about the economy’s health, but is that positivity misplaced?
April 2017
Former RBA governor Bernie Fraser says penalty rate cut will produce inequality, not jobs
Former Reserve Bank boss Bernie Fraser has savaged the Fair Work Commission’s cuts to penalty rates and the Turnbull government’s company tax cuts, saying the measures will further entrench inequality but do little to produce jobs and growth.
November 2016
The truth about claims of a faulty welfare system
Last weekend’s edition of The Saturday Paper featured an in-depth analysis by journalist Mike Seccombe, dissecting the Coalition government’s attempts to scapegoat welfare programs for Australia’s labour market and fiscal problems. The article included several statistics from the Centre for Future Work, as well as from our colleague Richard Denniss (Chief Economist at the Australia Institute). With decent paid work increasingly hard to find, it’s no wonder the government targets income-support payments for working-age Australians: there are both political reasons (shifting blame) and a perverse economic logic (reinforcing the compulsion on desperate workers to accept any job, no matter how insecure or badly-paid) behind the government’s strategy.
October 2016
Unpaid overtime and dodgy internships: When employment becomes exploitation
Economist Jim Stanford, the director of the Centre for Future Work at the Australia Institute, has calculated that as many as two-thirds of Australian workers are now regularly expected to put in some form of unpaid overtime.
Employment in the era of exploitation
In today’s chronically depressed labour market, workers will go to unprecedented lengths to find and keep a job — even agreeing to work for free! ABC’s RN program Future Tense recently explored the rising prevalence of unpaid work in Australia’s economy, including staying at work after hours, taking your work home with you (such as e-mails that never stop), and unpaid internships.
September 2016
July 2016
Future Proof
Regardless of who wins the Federal election, the major issue facing Australians is the future of work.
June 2016
New research: Abbott and Turnbull the worst economic managers since Menzies
A new report from the Australia Institute shows that on a range of measures, the performance under the current government has been worse than that under Gillard, write Greg Jericho.
Report urges a revival of Australia’s manufacturing sector to drive innovation
Australia now has the lowest proportion of manufacturing jobs in the OECD, according to a new report by the Centre for Future Work.
The report says the decline isn’t inevitable and can be reversed; several of our global peers are expanding their manufacturing sectors.
As Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull promotes his innovation agenda on the election campaign trail, the report finds the sector that is most innovation-intensive has been allowed to wither.
April 2016
March 2016
November 2015
He wants Sweden to support a global moratorium on new coal mines
Kiribati’s president Anote Tong has through a letter asked prime ministers of the world to support a global moratorium on new coal mines, which Australian Richard Denniss has responded to with the seriousness it deserves. An increase of two degrees Celsius and rising sea levels would make it impossible to live in major parts of
September 2014
July 2014
May 2014
April 2014
Dodgy Economic Modelling_Radio Adelaide_20 April 2014
Apparently its okay to lie to politicians and planning officials. But not to judges. Rod Campbell from The Australia Institute talks with Sue Reece about how Rio Tinto rapidly downgraded their economic projections about the benefits of the Warkwork coal mine expansion when taken to court.
December 2013
November 2013
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Media Enquiries
Glenn Connley Senior Media Advisor