Media Releases
December 2022
Climate Change Authority Conflicted, Out of Step With Public Opinion
The potential conflicts of interest in the Climate Change Authority (CCA) are evident in today’s release of research promoting the potential of carbon storage in Australia, according to The Australia Institute. The scientific consensus is that fossil fuels must remain in the ground for the world to remain within the safe bounds of global warming.
Passage of Territory Rights Bill Welcome
The Australia Institute today welcomes the passage of the Restoring Territory Rights Bill 2022, which will restore to the Territories the right to legislate for voluntary assisted dying laws. “The restoration of Territory Rights is a testament to the strength of representative democracy. The Australian Parliament should be commended for recognising that the citizens of
9 in 10 Believe It’s Governments Job to Ensure Wages Keep Up with Cost of Living: Research Polling
The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,001 Australians about their views on wages and cost of living between 1-4 November. The majority of Australians report that their wages have not kept up with the cost of living over the past 12 months. “This research shows most Australians feel like they are falling
November 2022
Retired Judges Welcome Landmark NACC, but Lament Lack of Public Hearings
Today’s passing of legislation to establish a National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has been welcomed by the Australia Institute’s National Integrity Committee. The National Integrity Committee congratulates the Parliament and, in particular, the Attorney-General on what is a significant achievement. The establishment of a National Anti-Corruption Commission will change the way politics is conducted in Australia,
Morrison Secret Ministries a Reminder Our Democracy Requires Vigilance
The censure motion against former Prime Minister Scott Morrison for his secret ministries is an opportunity to reflect on the vigilance required to uphold democracy and good government, according to leading public policy think-tank the Australia Institute. The Hon Virginia Bell AC’s Ministries inquiry report found that the lack of disclosure of the appointments “was
Deal on IR Reforms Sets Stage for Faster Wage Growth
Industrial Relations Reform Sets Stage for Significant Acceleration of Wage Growth.
Ending Fossil Fuel Finance, Improving Corporate Transparency Would Support Democracy in Pacific: Research Submission
Stronger climate action and better resource sector governance are two ways in which Australia can partner with countries in our region to promote stability according to a research submission by the Australia Institute to the Inquiry into supporting democracy in our region. Key Points: Climate action has languished for the last decade and fossil fuel
Australia Not Currently Capable of Delivering Nuclear Subs Project: Defence Experts
The mammoth task of purchasing, operating, and maintaining nuclear-powered submarines is beyond Australia’s current industrial, skills and technological capacity to deliver, according to a new research paper by defence experts. Experts say the ambitious project is achievable, but only if the building blocks are put in place with great care and deliberation. The report, Australia’s
Australians Working 6 Weeks Unpaid Overtime, Costing Economy Over $92 Billion: Go Home on Time Day Report
New research shows Australian workers are on average working 6 weeks unpaid overtime per year, costing over $92 billion dollars in unpaid wages across the economy. The average worker is losing over $8,000 per year or $315 per fortnight due to what researchers have branded “time theft”. 23 November 2022 marks Go Home on Time
Electoral Act Reform a Crucial Opportunity for Tasmanian Truth in Advertising Laws
As the Tasmanian Parliament debates reforming the Electoral Act, integrity experts are urging politicians to use the opportunity to enact truth in political advertising protections, following deceptive and dangerous advertisements from the Australian Christian Lobby. Key Findings: Polling consistently finds most Australians want truth in political advertising laws, with 2021 Australia Institute polling research finding 87% of
Restoring Collective Bargaining Coverage Would Boost Wage Growth: Research Report
Proposed reforms to Australia’s industrial relations laws are likely to support higher coverage for collective bargaining in the national labour market, and provide a boost to stagnant wage growth according to new research from the Centre for Future Work. The report reviews historical data on the erosion of collective bargaining in Australia, and its close
Australia Remains in Bottom 10 on Global Climate List, Despite Improvements
Australia’s climate action again ranks in the bottom 10 of countries assessed in the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2023. The CCPI is an annual analysis of climate performance by countries covering 92% of global emissions, conducted by international think tank Germanwatch, NewClimate Institute and CAN International. Key Points: Australia’s overall ranking moved up four
Major Red Flags: Reforms Needed to Stop Politician Pork-Barrelling
Major red flags in Australian grants administration must be addressed to prevent pork barrelling, according to a submission by the Australia Institute to the parliamentary inquiry into Commonwealth grants administration. Key Findings: 11 different pork-barrelling red flags were highlighted, the most significant include: funds not allocated in line with grant objectives, lack of personal consequences for Ministers
IR Reforms To Close Off The ‘Nuclear Option’ Will Protect Wages and Entitlements
New research from the Centre for Future Work quantifies the dramatic risks faced by workers whose employers unilaterally terminate enterprise agreements during the course of renegotiations. This aggressive employer strategy, which became common after a precedent-setting 2015 court decision, would be curtailed by new industrial relations legislation proposed by the Commonwealth Government.
Overwhelming Majority Support for Gov Intervention in Gas Price Crisis: Research
New polling research reveals an overwhelming majority of Australians (86%) support a government intervention in the gas industry, either through export controls, a windfall profits tax, or both. Key Findings: An overwhelming majority of Australians (86%) support a government intervention in the gas industry, either through export controls or a windfall profits tax or both.
Deceptive Political Ad Demonstrates Need for Truth in Political Advertising Laws in Tasmania
A prominent advertisement published by the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) in The Mercury today highlights the need for Truth in Political Advertising laws in Tasmania. Key Details: On 9 November 2022, The Mercury published an ad from ACL that said “Plan to criminalise parents who question their children’s wish to change gender? Likely lose government!”
Replace Parliament Prayers with Minute’s Silence: SA Voters
New research from public policy think tank The Australia Institute shows that two thirds of South Australian voters support the removal of Christian prayers from the opening of Parliamentary sittings. The Australia Institute surveyed of a representative sample of 616 South Australians in September, asking about the opening prayers and the recent addition of an
Climate Concern at Record High amid Floods: Largest Tracking Research on Climate in Australia
The Climate of the Nation 2022 Report reveals record numbers of Australians who are “very concerned” about climate change as record floods and extreme weather continue to wreak havoc across eastern Australia, and a majority believe governments are not doing enough to prepare for and adapt to the impacts, according to the largest and longest running research program into climate change attitudes in Australia.
October 2022
Bread & Butter Budget Defers Meat & Potatoes Revenue Reform to May ‘23
The October Budget delivers on a range of welcome bread & butter commitments, but has deferred solving Australia’s meat and potatoes revenue problems until at least May 2023, according to independent think-tank the Australia Institute. “The meat and potatoes revenue reforms Australia needs, like scrapping stage 3, a windfall profits tax, or fixing the PRRT
Fixing Broken PRRT Loopholes Would Raise Budget Billions: Research
New research shows multinational gas corporations are using sophisticated accounting tricks and loopholes to avoid paying their fair share of tax, despite making windfall profits. The new report Reforming the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax shows how billions could be raised in the Budget by fixing loopholes and cracking down on multi-national tax avoidance in the
Majority Agree with Banning Fossil Fuel Sponsorship in Sport: Research Polling
New polling reveals the majority of Australians (53%) support a ban on fossil fuel companies sponsoring national sporting teams, with only 32% opposed. The polling also shows three in five Australians (60%) agree fossil fuel sponsorship ‘is the new cigarette advertising’. Key Points: Three in five Australians (60%) agree that fossil fuel sponsorship is the new cigarette sponsorship, more than double
The Reserve Bank needs to acknowledge the failures of the inflation target
A comprehensive review of inflation released today by the Australia Institute’s Centre for Future Work reveals that the inflation targeting in place since the early 1990s is not the neutral policy many assume it is. In that time inflation has missed the target more from below than above, and has coincided with a shift of national income away from workers to profits as wages have stagnated.
Gas Giants Reap $40 Billion in Windfall War Profits: Report
New analysis shows Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) producers reaped up to $40 billion of windfall profits in FY 2021-22 thanks to soaring global gas prices due to the war in Ukraine. The research comes following a damning report from the ACCC into the gas industry around price-fixing and subsequent condemnation of cartel-like behaviour on the
NACC Exceptional Circumstances Restriction Should be Lifted: Retired Judges
The respected National Integrity Committee of former judges has welcomed the Government’s NACC legislation but warned that the exceptional circumstances prerequisite for public hearings would undermine the public interest without further amendments to the Bill, in their submission to the parliamentary inquiry into the Bill. Integrity Committee member and former Supreme Court Judge the Hon.
Chubb Carbon Offsets Inquiry – Conflicted, Too Late & Missing the Point
The Chubb Review into Australia’s scandal-plagued carbon offsets system might not provide the reset needed for the carbon market given the potential conflicts of its members, its timing in relation to other climate reforms and by distracting from more effective emissions reduction policies, according to a submission by The Australia Institute.
Push for Nationally Consistent Laws to Prevent Stealthing: Research Report
New research published by the Australia Institute, in partnership with RMIT, shows there is legal ambiguity surrounding the non-consensual removal of a condom during sex, also known as stealthing, that could be fixed through nationally consistent laws. The report Stealthing: Legislating for Change finds that while an overwhelming majority of Australians support criminalisation, many Australians do not
Only 1 in 5 Support ‘Exceptional Circumstances’ Restriction on NACC Public Hearings
The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,003 Australians about the circumstances under which the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) should be allowed to hold public hearings. The results show that most Australians support the NACC being permitted to hold public hearings under more circumstances than in the currently tabled legislation. Key Results: More
Gen Z Receive Only 2.8% of “Cooked” Stage 3 Tax Cuts in First Year: Research
New research has revealed that Gen Z would receive only 2.8% of the first year of the Stage 3 Tax Cuts legislated by the Morrison Government. The newly released age-based data break down reveals that in financial year 2024-2025, those under 25 years old would receive only 2.8% of the billions in tax cuts which
Responsible Economic Management Trumps ‘Broken Election Promise’: Stage 3 Tax Cuts Research
New research reveals more than twice as many Australians value good economic management over sticking to election promises regardless of how economic circumstances have changed, according to the Australia Institute. The polling also reveals almost twice as many Australians support repealing the State 3 tax cuts than those who oppose, and most Australians accurately understand
Climate Safeguard Mechanism Risks Safeguarding New Gas & Coal: Submission
The Australian Government’s Safeguard Mechanism is at risk of safeguarding new gas and coal projects and driving increased demand for low-integrity carbon credits without extensive reform, according to a submission from leading public policy think-tank the Australia Institute to the Federal Government. To avoid increased reliance on low-integrity carbon credits, a more affordable and simpler
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Glenn Connley Senior Media Advisor