June 2023

May 2023

Vast Majority Want Greater Affordable Housing Direct Investment in Budget

New research from the Australia Institute shows that eight in 10 Australians (80%) agree that the Federal Government should spend more money to directly build affordable housing in the Budget. The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,002 Australians about their attitudes toward the Federal Government’s response to the housing crisis. Key Findings:

April 2023

Getting Off Gas: Majority Support Household Electrification as Economic, Climate Costs Rise

New national research shows a majority of voters feel positive about switching Australian homes away from gas and moving to full electrification, as cost of living and climate concerns continue to rise. The report, based on a nationally representative survey of Australian households undertaken by The Australia Institute and SEC Newgate, reveals very little opposition

March 2023

Women Earn $1m less than men & $136,000 Less in Super over Working Life

New research released on International Women’s Day reveals Australian women earn $1.01m less over their working lives than men, based on median income data. Women earn $136,000 less in superannuation over their working lives than men, based on median income data. Women earning the median wage will accumulate approximately $393,676 in super, $151,000 below what

February 2023

Multi-millionaire Super Tax Breaks Well Past Retirement

Today’s announced changes to super tax concessions by the Prime Minister and Treasurer are a welcome step towards fairness and sustainability for Australia’s retirement income system. The changes come after more than 15 years research from the Australia Institute into the inequitable and unsustainable super tax breaks for multimillionaires, with our most recent research on

Carmichael Centre Announces Appointment of Prof. David Peetz as Laurie Carmichael Distinguished Research Fellow

The Carmichael Centre at the Australia Institute’s Centre for Future Work is proud to announce the appointment of Prof. David Peetz, one of Australia’s most outstanding labour policy experts, as the new Laurie Carmichael Distinguished Research Fellow. Prof. Emeritus Peetz has recently retired from a long career at Griffith University, where he served as Professor

IMF Report Underscores Economic Risks of Stage 3 Tax Cuts: Experts

Today’s IMF report on the Australian economy underscores the economic and budgetary risks of proceeding with the Stage 3 Tax Cuts for high income earners, according to economic experts. The IMF report, which directly refers to the Government’s ability to restructure the Stage 3 tax cuts in a way which “appropriately balance[s] costs on the

January 2023

No economic benefit from NT cotton: submission

by Rod Campbell and Sumithri Venketasubramanian

Research released today by The Australia Institute shows that a cotton industry in the Northern Territory would not bring significant employment or tax payments. The findings were submitted to the NT Government’s water policy consultation process, which closed yesterday. Key points: The cotton industry does not create significant employment in Australia. Cotton growing employs just

December 2022

Coal Export Revenue up 186% to $112 Billion as Parliament Considers Price Caps

New research reveals Australian coal export revenue reached $112 billion in 2021-22, an increase on the previous year of $73b or 186%, as Federal Parliament reconvenes to legislate price caps on coal and gas companies making windfall profits, according to a new report From Russia With Love by leading public policy think-tank the Australia Institute.

9 in 10 Believe It’s Governments Job to Ensure Wages Keep Up with Cost of Living: Research Polling

The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,001 Australians about their views on wages and cost of living between 1-4 November. The majority of Australians report that their wages have not kept up with the cost of living over the past 12 months. “This research shows most Australians feel like they are falling

November 2022

Ending Fossil Fuel Finance, Improving Corporate Transparency Would Support Democracy in Pacific: Research Submission

Stronger climate action and better resource sector governance are two ways in which Australia can partner with countries in our region to promote stability according to a research submission by the Australia Institute to the Inquiry into supporting democracy in our region. Key Points: Climate action has languished for the last decade and fossil fuel

Australians Working 6 Weeks Unpaid Overtime, Costing Economy Over $92 Billion: Go Home on Time Day Report

New research shows Australian workers are on average working 6 weeks unpaid overtime per year, costing over $92 billion dollars in unpaid wages across the economy. The average worker is losing over $8,000 per year or $315 per fortnight due to what researchers have branded “time theft”. 23 November 2022 marks Go Home on Time

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