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November 2023
Christmas Waste 2023
Gift giving is a long-standing Christmas tradition. Yet Australia Institute research shows that approximately 6.1 million adult Australians, expect to receive Christmas presents this year that they will never use or wear.
Securing transparency and diversity in political finance
Targeted reforms are needed to introduce transparency and diversity into federal political finance: disclosing political contributions in real time, publishing ministers’ diaries, stopping the very wealthy from dominating election spending, making public funding accessible to new entrants and restricting corporate cash-for-access payments.
Submission: An independent ABC for a strong democracy
Australia’s public broadcasters (the ABC and SBS) should remain independent and free from political interference.
August 2023
Submission: Prohibited Hate Symbols and Other Measures Bill 2023
A submission made by the Australia Institute to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security on the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Prohibited Hate Symbols and Other Measures) Bill 2023.
April 2023
Submission: Criminal Code Amendment (Prohibition of Nazi Symbols) Bill 2023
The Australia Institute made a submission on the Criminal Code Amendment (Prohibition of Nazi Symbols) Bill 2023.