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November 2015
Workin’ 9 to 5.30
This paper explores the cost of unpaid overtime, the extent to which Australian workers fail to take a break and the cost of work bleeding into everyday life.
September 2015
Heartland – Why the bush needs its ABC
Regional media is viewed as an essential democratic institution by regional Australians, with 95 per cent accessing some type of local content each week. Regional media is an important source of news, weather, and emergency information. It also contributes to a sense of community and identity within a region. However, regional media is in decline
August 2015
Funny money: Submission to Senate Standing Committee on Economics inquiry into foreign bribery
The Australia Institute and the Jubilee Australia Research Centre have made a submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Economics inquiry into Australia’s foreign bribery laws and their implementation. Our submission is based on research conducted by the CAER – Corporate Analysis. Enhanced Responsibility, an independent environmental, social and governance research house. An increasing number
June 2015
Powers of deduction: Tax deductions, environmental organisations and the mining industry
Donations to environment organisations in Australia are tax deductible as long as the organisation in question is listed on the Commonwealth Register of Environmental Organisations. This listing gives an organisation Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status. A parliamentary inquiry is looking into the Register, largely at the behest of the mining industry. Parts of the mining
March 2015
The great Australian lockout: Inequality in the housing market
A new research paper from The Australia Institute reveals that home ownership rates in Australia are falling across all age groups, most significantly for people in their 50’s. Middle income earners are experiencing the sharpest decline in ownership rates. Housing affordability issues have changed the makeup of the housing market over the last decade. Not
Everyday Sexism
New research, released on the eve of International Women’s Day, finds that nine in ten Australian women have experienced street harassment and modify their behaviour in response. Actions women are taking for their personal safety include everything from crossing the street to avoid strangers, to pretending to have a conversation on their phone, to grasping
November 2014
Walking the tightrope: Have Australians achieved work/life balance?
Former Prime Minister of Australia John Howard described work/life balance as a “BBQ-stopper” in 2001. Since then, the term “work/life balance” has been part of the Australian lexicon, but just how well are Australians achieving it? National Go Home on Time Day was launched by The Australia Institute in 2009 as a light-hearted way to
April 2014
SUBMISSION: Senate inquiry into affordable housing
The Australia Institute’s submission addresses the effect of policies designed to encourage home ownership and residential property investment. More broadly this submission focuses on the theme of housing equality and examines the inequality that exists between generations and income groups. In doing so it considers the impact of not having a long-term, national affordable housing