October 2011

Recent publications

Bulky Billing: Missing out on fair and affordable health care, D Baker, 28 October The Australian wine tax regime: Assessing industry claims, D Richardson and R Denniss, 28 September Mining the truth: The rhetoric and reality of the commodities boom, D Richardson and R Denniss, 8 September Mining Australia’s productivity, D Richardson and R Denniss,


Politics in the Pub – In conversation with ACT Chief Minister Katy Gallagher The Australia Institute will host its final Politics in the Pub for the year in Canberra on the evening of Wednesday 23 November. We are pleased to annouce that our guest will be the ACT’s Chief Minister Katy Gallagher. Ms Gallagher became

Social stigma costs the unemployed

Last week was Anti-Poverty Week, an initiative designed to draw attention to the millions of Australians and billions of people around the world who live in poverty and the enormous disparity between their plight and the lives of the super-wealthy. One of the principle causes of poverty is unemployment. In many developed countries, the negative

Abbott takes a punt on repealing legislation

Tony Abbott is making a habit of making promises he knows will be very difficult to deliver on. First, he promised to rescind the carbon price legislation if the Coalition takes government at the next election. As The Australia Institute pointed out, doing so would involve a protracted process which depends on many contingencies going

Bulky billing: Is Medicare working?

New research by The Australia Institute released today reveals that Australians are paying more than $1 billion each year in out-of-pocket expenses for medical care. Despite Medicare being introduced in 1984 to provide ‘fair and affordable’ health care to all Australians, many are now faced with extra costs for visits to the doctor, having prescriptions filled

August 2011

Convoy of No Confidence misses the mark as mining boom hits hard

Mining boom hits BlueScope workers while Abbott manufactures concern Can farmers afford the mining boom? Making the boom pay … if not now, when? The direct costs of waiting for direct action on climate change Events Recent publications Recent media As the significantly smaller than expected Convoy of No Confidence reaches Canberra, those protesting about

Recent media

The Australia Institute now has a YouTube channel. View our recent Politics in the Pub event with OzHarvest’s Founding Director Ronni Khan. Dumping carbon tax ‘could take five years’, The Age, 11 August Paying to top your search results, ABC Radio National Breakfast, 16 August Paying for time out with the kids, BTalk, 4 August

Recent publications

The direct costs of waiting for direct action, M Grudnoff, 22 August What you don’t know can hurt you: How market concentration threatens online diversity, J Fear and R Denniss, 16 August The wage-penalty effect: The hidden cost of maternity leave, D Baker, 18 July The real cost of direct action: An analysis of the


How increasing population is making the task of government harder – Kelvin Thomson MP The Australia Institute and Sustainable Population Australia will host a talk by Kelvin Thomson MP on the evening of Thursday 25 August. Kelvin will discuss the topic ‘The witches’ hats theory of government: How increasing population is making the task of

The direct costs of waiting for direct action on climate change

A rather small convoy of constitutional confusion today rolled into Canberra calling for a double-dissolution election. The impending carbon price, the ban on live exports and the imminent threat of one world government were all cited by participants as motivating their demands. But no matter how sincere their confused calls for a double-dissolution election, they

Making the boom pay … if not now, when?

“The future is in our hands, and it will be defined by the way we handle the current minerals boom. Get it wrong, and we falter. Get it right and we set the nation up for decades to come.” Prime Minister, the Hon. Julia Gillard, The Australian, 4 February 2011. So, with the news of

Mining boom hits BlueScope workers while Abbott manufactures concern

BlueScope Steel has led the tantrum against the introduction of a carbon price and today it, or more precisely its employees, have fallen victim to an entirely different problem. The rising dollar has been placing obvious pressure on the competitiveness of the Australian steel industry but the company seems to prefer playing politics than proposing

Can farmers afford the mining boom?

The past week has delivered some of the clearest evidence yet that both sides of politics are utterly in thrall to the mining sector. When asked about the escalating battle between farmers and coal seam gas miners by radio broadcaster Alan Jones, Tony Abbott made the apparently uncontroversial observation that ‘if you don’t want something

How increasing population is making the task of government harder – Kelvin Thomson MP – 25 August 2011

The Australia Institute and Sustainable Population Australia will host a talk by Kelvin Thomson MP on the evening of Thursday 25 August 2011. Kelvin will discuss the topic ‘The witches hats theory of government: How increasing population is making the task of government harder’. Providing food, water, energy, housing, education, jobs, health, liveable cities and

July 2011

Richard Denniss vs Christopher Monckton National Press Club debate

The Australia Institute was established to inform public debate, so in that spirit Executive Director Dr Richard Denniss agreed to take the opportunity to argue the case for action on climate change at the National Press Club on Tuesday, 19 July 2011. Richard’s opponent was professional climate change sceptic Lord Christopher Monckton. Read Richard’s speech

NL July 2011

This edition of the Institute’s newsletter looks at: ‘Closing the Gap 2011’; Silencing dissent in Environment Victoria; The rise of online retail; The macroeconomics of online shopping; The future of the republican movement in Australia; and Australia’s surplus fetish. It also looks at the hidden cost of maternity leave.

Recent media

The Australia Institute now has a YouTube channel. View our recent ‘In conversation with Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown’ Politics in the Pub event. Economic road map failure, The Canberra Times, 8 July Satisfaction guaranteed: money makes us happy, The Australian, 29 June Walking both sides of the street, The Canberra Times, 24 June Mining

Recent publications

How many jobs is 23,510, really? Recasting the mining job loss debate, B Chapman and K Lounkaew, 6 June On the wrong track: The case for abandoning the promised $7 billion subsidies to Australia’s dirtiest coal-fired power stations, R Denniss, 25 May The rise and rise of online retail, B Irvine, D Richardson, J Fear


The Green Institute is conducting a series of ‘Green Schools’ in July and August which offer “an opportunity for in-depth discussion on the big social, economic and environmental issues, learning hands-on skills and meeting like-minded people”. Melbourne 30-31 July, Darwin 6 August and Southwest Queensland 27-29 August. For more information, and to enrol, go to

Is climate change a left wing issue?

 The Ross Garnaut-commissioned CSIRO’s report Australians’ views of climate change last year polled 3096 Australians and found that the biggest single predictor of whether Australians believe that global warming is caused by humans is their voting intentions. The CSIRO found that 82 per cent of Greens voters and 63 per cent of Labor voters believed

A win for voluntary action

The Australia Institute has spent a lot of time since 2009 explaining a simple, but often misunderstood feature of emissions trading; once a national target is set any efforts by individuals to reduce ‘their’ emissions simply frees up spare pollution permits for other polluters. Having identified the problem the Institute also proposed a solution in

Has the PM “knocked the brick wall down”?

”I’ve knocked the brick wall down; this is going through, this is done, full stop.” Prime Minister Julia Gillard, 10 July 2011. The good news is that the modest carbon price announced yesterday will neither impoverish Australians nor bankrupt our economy. The bad news is that the modest carbon price announced yesterday won’t save the

June 2011

Recent publications

TAIHow many jobs is 23,510, really? Recasting the mining job loss debate, B Chapman and K Lounkaew, 6 June On the wrong track: The case for abandoning the promised $7 billion subsidies to Australia’s dirtiest coal-fired power stations, R Denniss, 25 May The rise and rise of online retail, B Irvine, D Richardson, J Fear

Recent media

 ‘Only tiny’ carbon tax effect on mining jobs, The Age, 6 June $10b hiding in super overlap: thinktank, The Canberra Times, 7 June The price of shopping online versus the shopping mall, Online Opinion, 27 May Study questions level of carbon tax job losses, ABC The World Today, 6 June Go back to Between the

Will household compensation change behaviour?

The Government has struggled to sell its message that households will receive compensation under a carbon price. There has also been far too little explanation as to what a well-designed compensation scheme can achieve. It would seem that some politicians who aspire to being good economic managers do not seem to understand a simple, but

Silencing dissent in Victoria

In what appears to be an act of petty political recrimination, the new Victorian Coalition Government has slashed its funding for Environment Victoria, the state’s leading independent environment group (not to be confused with Victoria’s Environment Protection Authority, a statutory body). The recent state budget included no further funding for any of the programs that

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