Media Releases

September 2018

Time for BCA to Get Facts Straight on Emissions Targets

A television commercial will begin airing nationally from 1 October, which features research from The Australia Institute exposing the Business Council of Australia’s (BCA) false claim that a 45% emissions reduction target would be ‘economy wrecking’. Building on research that shows no evidence to back the BCA’s ‘economy wrecking’ claim, the advertisement identifies that Australia’s electricity

Banking Royal Commission most important for Australians: poll

A majority of Australians believe the Royal Commission into Banks and Financial Services has uncovered more wrong doing (70%) and is most important for Australians (65%) compared to the Royal Commission into Trade Unions, according to new polling from The Australia Institute.  Meanwhile, almost a third of Australians (31%) believe the Royal Commission into Trade

Hume poll: Liberal primary vote drops, voters support more action on climate, not less

The Australia Institute commissioned ReachTEL to poll the federal seat of Hume (690 respondents) on the evening of 10 September. Key Findings: Liberal primary vote crashes to 39.7% (down from 53.83 at 2016 federal election) 47.8% think the National Energy Guarantee should include an emissions reduction target (39.3% No) 63.7% support a moratorium on building

50 experts call for WA fracking ban: open letter

Over 50 scientists and experts, including former Australian of the Year Professor Fiona Stanley AC, Carmen Lawrence, former Premier of WA, Professor Peter Newman AO, WA’s 2018 Scientist of the Year, and Ian Dunlop, former Chairman of the Australian Coal Association and Shell executive, are urging the Western Australian Government to permanently ban fracking in

NT fracking research money should not go to the fracking industry

Research by The Australia Institute examines the fundamental conflict of interest that underlies the Gas Industry Social and Environmental Alliance (GISERA), making it an inappropriate organisation to undertake research to evaluate the social and environmental impacts of unconventional gas development.  Key points include: GISERA is an alliance between the five largest unconventional gas companies operating

Consumers cash in: National Energy Market rule change proposed

The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) has today received a rule change request to reform the National Electricity Market (NEM) to open it up to competition from demand response. This would make it easy for households and small businesses to receive payment for reducing their energy usage during periods of peak demand, helping to balance

Great Barrier Reef Foundation Grant Funding Fossil Fuels

The Great Barrier Reef Foundation’s unprecedented $443.3 million dollar Government grant is being invested with banks that fund the expansion of the fossil fuel industry, contrary to the Foundation’s stated goals. A new report released today from The Australia Institute’s Climate & Energy program and Future Super shows the Foundation’s grant, which was paid upfront

Secure long-term housing at half the cost

New research from the Australia Institute and Prosper Australia shows Government could use existing housing schemes to reduce the cost of secure long-term housing by as much as 52%, at no extra cost to the budget. The report shows that the government can create more secure long-term forms of residency, insulated from changes in market

ACT’s Land Rent Scheme sets national example

Canberra’s innovative Land Rent Scheme has been singled out in new research from the Australia Institute and Prosper Australia that shows if applied nationally, Government could significantly reduce the cost of secure long-term housing. Currently the scheme sees over one-thousand Canberra households saving more than $9 million in housing costs per year, at no cost

August 2018

Wentworth: Liberal primary vote crashes, climate action message clear

The Australia Institute commissioned ReachTEL to poll the federal seat of Wentworth (886 respondents) on the evening of 27th August.  Key Findings: Liberal Party primary vote crashes to 39.6%, compared to 2016 election 62.3% primary vote (-22.7%) Liberal primary vote lower still (34.6%) when potential independent candidates named Majority of voters (62.5%) think Australia should move

Company tax cuts defeated in the Senate

The Australia Institute welcomes the defeat of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Enterprise Tax Plan No. 2) Bill 2017 in the Senate. “We welcome the defeat of the Government’s big business company tax cut legislation in the Senate,” said Ben Oquist, executive director of The Australia Institute. “Congratulations to Labor, the Greens, and Senate crossbenchers Senators

Polling brief – Ministerial Recognition

The Australia Institute surveyed 1,557 Australians between 27 March and 7 April 2018 about which Commonwealth Ministers they recognised. Respondents could select any number of Ministers from a randomised list of the full cabinet, or “none of the above”. Download the polling brief for full details.  Nearly all Ministers are recognised by a third of respondents

Revenue Summit to change focus of tax debate

With the company tax debate in full flight, The Australia Institute will be hosting a special Revenue Summit, Wednesday 17th October 2018. This initiative of The Australia Institute will see some of Australia’s leading experts discuss new ways Australia could efficiently and equitably increase public revenue to strengthen both our public finances and our future

Government support of new coal-fired power stations would undermine price benefits of NEG: new report

The Australia Institute has released new analysis by Chief Economist Dr. Richard Denniss showing that the purported $150 price reduction likely to flow from the NEG will be rendered meaningless if the government proceeds with new policies to adjust future electricity supply via the so-called ‘NEG plus’. “The NEG modelling concludes power prices will be

Current NEG ‘investment cliff’ for renewables

The Australia Institute’s Climate & Energy Program has released the latest National Energy Emissions Audit electricity update (The Audit*) for July 2018. The Audit shows that current NEG modelling will effectively create an investment cliff for the otherwise booming renewables sector, with no investment in further renewable energy generation after 2021. Key findings show: Renewables

Company tax cuts: $7.67 billion to just one company

New analysis by The Australia Institute shows that based on Rio Tinto’s half year report, the company tax cut would represent a $7.67 billion gift to Rio Tinto over the first decade of the cut. The Australia Institute has today launched a new Revenue Watch initiative, looking at companies over reporting season, to quantify how

July 2018

Mayo: New Polling on Asylum Seekers and Adani

The Australia Institute commissioned ReachTEL to poll the federal seats of Mayo (766 respondents) on the evening of Wednesday 25 July. Key Findings: 59/41 two-party preferred, favouring Centre Alliance candidate Rebekha Sharkie 64% of Australians support bringing genuine refugees to Australia who arrive by boat, only a quarter support indefinite detention on Nauru and Manus

Mayo: New Polling on Company Tax Cuts, Voter Priorities for Government Revenue, Newstart

The Australia Institute commissioned ReachTEL to poll the federal seats of Mayo (766 respondents) on the evening of Wednesday 25 July. Key Findings: 59/41 two-party preferred, favouring Centre Alliance candidate Rebekha Sharkie Only 27.7% support for cutting company tax rate for large business, while 65.8% want tax rate increased or kept same 63.5% oppose or

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