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February 1995
Australia’s greenhouse strategy: can the future be rescued?
The National Greenhouse Response Strategy agreed between the Commonwealth and the States has failed to make any impact on Australia�s greenhouse gas emissions. After two years of its operation, there is no evidence that even one tonne of carbon emissions has been saved as a result of the NRGS and Australia’s excess of emissions over
December 1994
Comparison of emission sources and emission trends among OECD countries
This study, prepared for the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, is an analysis of the structure and causes of greenhouse gas emissions in Australia compared to a number of other OECD countries. The principal result to emerge from the statistical analysis is that Australia’s emissions of greenhouse gases are very high compared to
September 1994
Does Privatisation Pay?
This article shows that the public debt interest savings associated with privatisation are, on average, less than the profits foregone, implying that privatisation reduces public sector net worth. A copy is available on John Quiggin’s website.
May 1994
“Trash” fights back
The Hon Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG, President of the New South Wales Court of Appeal and Chairman of the Executive of the International Commission of Jurists and Professor Max Neutze, Inaugural Chair, at the public launch of The Australia Institute on 4 May 1994, Brassey Hotel Canberra.