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September 2024
Submission: Proposals to increase voter engagement, participation and confidence in NSW
The Democracy & Accountability Program has a significant body of work on voter engagement and participation in Australia and on the weaknesses in NSW’s political finance system that could undermine public confidence in democracy in the state.
Polling – Young Australians’ participation in live music
The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,009 young Australians aged 16 to 25 about their participation in live music. The results show that: The most common barrier to attending music events is cost, with three in five 16–25-year-olds (59%) selecting it as a barrier, and 35% identifying it as the most significant
Submission to the JSCEM Inquiry into the 2024 Tasmanian elections
The proposals highlighted in this submission provide prioritised measures that would make the use of public resources in parliamentary elections more democratic and ensure public money is better spent.
August 2024
What is the case for more gas?
The Future Gas Strategy, published in May 2024, sets out the Albanese Government’s plan for gas production and consumption in Australia between now and 2050.
Money and power in South Australian elections
The cost of party and candidate campaigns in the 2022 South Australian election exceeded public funding by $3.3 million. The shortfall was covered with private funding, including political donations.
No Blood – No Job
Organisations in Australia are using blood analysis as a means of screening future employees for ‘health risks’ that they allege may impact on their performance of work. Collecting sensitive information from blood analysis is restricted under Australia’s privacy laws. This is because the mishandling of this information can have a substantial detrimental impact on those
Wealth and inequality in Australia
Inequality in Australia is growing and is driven by the rapid accumulation of wealth by the very wealthy.
Inquiry into civics education, engagement, and participation
Australia’s electoral participation is relatively good, though there is significant room for improvement, including doing better to count the votes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and making citizenship more accessible for Australian residents.
Australia’s great gas giveaway
According to the Australian Government’s Future Gas Strategy, gas is “critical” to the nation’s economy. In view of this, many Australians might be surprised to learn that a large amount of the country’s gas reserves are essentially being given away for free.
Off-peak hot water in the 21st century
While Australia generates a lot of renewable energy, a significant amount of that energy is wasted. In the middle of the day, when solar panels are at their most productive, the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) often instructs solar farms to disconnect from the grid.
Polling – Public funding for political parties and candidates
The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,014 Australians about whether they support public funding for political parties and candidates to run election campaigns and cover administrative costs. The results show that: Three in five (60%) Australians oppose public funding of political parties and candidates. Only one in four (27%) Australians support public
July 2024
Luxury Car Tax and the Ute Loophole
Even though the transport sector is the third largest source of Australian emissions and accounted for 21% of national emissions in 2023, the Australian Government continues to incentivise the sale of big utility vehicles (utes) relative to other car options. Over the last twenty years, the number of utes on our roads has grown much
Hope and hydrogen – Australia’s hydrogen export charade
The Australian Government claims that green hydrogen is part of its vision for becoming a renewable energy ‘superpower’, but budget documents show this is not the case. Current industrial hydrogen use in Australia is 500,000 tonnes per year. The Commonwealth Government is budgeting for green hydrogen production of around 500,000 tonnes per year into the
Money and power in Tasmanian elections
The Electoral Disclosure and Funding Amendment Bill 2024 seeks to address shortcomings of existing electoral laws; however, further amendments are required to adequately account for fairness for new political entrants, allow community voices to engage in elections, and strengthen regulation of corporates and industry bodies seeking to influence elections as third parties.
Power sharing in Australian parliaments
Parliaments exist to share power, and power sharing has been a feature of Australian parliaments for as long as they have existed: between different interest groups, different communities and different political movements; across the upper and lower houses; within parties (via factions); and between parties (including coalition agreements like those between the Liberals and the Nationals).
The oil and gas industry in South Australia
Oil and gas extraction in South Australia employs just 833 people, 0.1% of SA jobs. Petroleum royalties make up 0.4% of the state budget. On oil and gas production worth $1.7 billion in 2021-22, the industry paid at most $99 million in federal tax, of which Santos paid zero. Despite this, the industry has significant
Submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training Inquiry into the Digital Transformation of Workplaces
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we work and the jobs we do. AI innovations in workplaces can have positive benefits, including through productivity gains. However, AI applications can also have significant risks for workers and for job quality. AI applications, including automated decision making, are not neutral processes. Software can be designed and
Employee voice and new rights for workplace union delegates
A workplace delegate is a worker chosen to represent workers who are union members in dealings with management. Delegates are volunteers who perform their union duties on an unpaid basis in addition to their normal job at work. Delegates spend their time undertaking vital tasks for workplace representation.
June 2024
Ending child poverty in Australia
One in six Australian children live in poverty, yet there is no official poverty line or monitoring of poverty in place.
Polling – Willingness to pay for nuclear
The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,005 Australians about their willingness to pay for nuclear energy.
Housing cooperatives: an answer to Australia’s housing shortage?
Housing cooperatives run on a non-profit, collective ownership model in which the costs of buying or building a dwelling are shared, and decisions about how it is run are made based on a ‘one member, one vote’ system. This means that tenants who buy into a cooperative get the right to have a say in the housing they pay for.
Polling – Prosecution of Assange
The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,005 Australians about the prosecution of Julian Assange. Respondents were asked if they think the Federal Government is doing too much or too little to secure the release of Australian citizen Julian Assange. One in three Australians (34%) think that the Federal Government is doing too
Who benefits?
Super tax concessions exacerbate income and gender inequality.
Polling – Anti-siphoning laws
The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,005 Australians about Australia’s anti-siphoning laws.
Gas industry claims debunked
War in Ukraine has seen oil and gas export revenue out of Australia increase from $40 billion in 2020-21 to $107 billion in 2022-23. Lobby group forecasts of $17 billion in 2023-24 payments to government should be considered in this context.
Privatised Failure
For many years competition has been enshrined as a goal of economic policy.
May 2024
Australia’s great gas giveaway
According to the Australian Government’s Future Gas Strategy, gas is “critical” to the nation’s economy.
Textiles waste in Australia
Every year, over 300,000 tonnes of clothing is either sent to landfill or exported from Australia. To respond to the growing textiles waste problem, the Commonwealth has proposed policies intended to create a ‘circular economy.’ However, a genuinely circular economy depends on drastically reducing the rate at which textiles are produced and consumed, banning the
Polling – Australian attitudes to ACT policies
In 2019, the Australia Institute published Canberra: Laboratory of democracy, which described innovative, politically controversial policies from the Australian Capital Territory that were popular across the country.
Budget revenue from WA gas exports
Royalty revenue from WA gas exports has halved in the past two years and now makes up just 1.5% of budget revenue.