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May 2022
COP29 in Australia
Australia has never hosted a United Nations climate conference (COP) and the recent proposal from the Labor Party to bid for the 2024 COP in partnership with the Pacific could shift Australia’s reputation from climate laggard to regional leader. This shift should be accompanied by substantive changes to Australia’s climate policy, including on Australia’s climate
February 2022
January 2022
Submission on Darwin Pipeline Duplication
The Australia Institute made a submission on Santos’ proposed Darwin Pipeline Duplication project that aims to facilitate carbon capture and storage in the oil and gas fields north of Darwin. Aside from the low likelihood of successful carbon capture and storage eventuating, the aim of the project appears to be to increase gas exports through
October 2021
What is Australia bringing to COP26?
While COP26 this November is focused on ratcheting up short-term ambition it must also finalise the ‘Paris Agreement rulebook’ including on carbon markets, climate finance and adaptation. The Australian Government will face growing pressure to not just increase its 2030 target but act in good faith on other key negotiating priorities like markets, finance and
Government not on track for net zero by 2050
Despite a potential net zero by 2050 target announcement in coming weeks, it is increasingly clear that the Australian Government is not on track to meet such a target. Government policy shows no intention to reduce emissions, with fossil fuel project approvals even working to increase emissions. This briefing note outlines Government policies that are
July 2021
Subsidising fracking in the Beetaloo Basin
Unconventional gas in the Northern Territory is unpopular and uneconomic, risking water resources, the climate and taxpayer funds. It provides little revenue and very few jobs. Government-commissioned studies show this is unlikely to change under modelled production scenarios. The recommendations of the Territory’s fracking inquiry are not being met, particularly information programs for Aboriginal people