Research // Fossil Fuel Mining
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March 2021
Pleasant Dreams
The Australia Institute made a submission objecting to the proposal to expand and extend the Mt Pleasant coal mine in the Hunter Valley.
Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Benefit to Australia) Bill 2020
Offshore oil and gas industries contribute little to the Australian economy in terms of tax revenue or employment. Many projects represent a net cost to the Australian community, as subsidies, cleanup costs, environmental impacts and resource depletion outweigh the relatively small tax and employment benefits. This bill should be supported as it could assist in
February 2021
National Energy Emissions Audit: January 2021
Welcome to the January 2021 issue of the NEEA Report, with data relating to electricity in the National Electricity Market updated to the end of November 2020. This includes a short summary of the very important investment initiatives in New South Wales, announced by Minister Matt Kean at the end of November. This issue also
Please sir, I want Tahmoor
The Australia Institute made a submission to the NSW Independent Planning Commission on the Tahmoor South Coal Project.
When the going gets tough…the gas industry sacks workers
Gas companies operating in Australia have announced major job cuts through the pandemic. ABS Labour Force figures show that average employment in oil and gas extraction has declined by over 10% from 2019 to 2020, despite record production. If all Australian industries had responded to the COVID-19 pandemic with equivalent job cuts, Australia would have
NSW Rapid Assessment Framework
The Australia Institute made a submission to the “Rapid Assessment Framework” consultation, a process to reform parts of the NSW planning process.
January 2021
Submission on Enhanced offshore oil and gas decommissioning framework
The Australia Institute made a submission on the consultation paper for the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources’ Enhanced offshore oil and gas decommissioning framework.
November 2020
On the make
October 2020
September 2020
Weapons of gas destruction
August 2020
Fast and loose
Narrabri Gas Project
July 2020
Gas Fired Backfire
Why a “gas fired recovery” would increase emissions and energy costs and squander Australia’s COVID-19 recovery spending.
CSIR…who? A closer look at recent research on coal seam gas environmental impacts
A recent study claiming minimal impact of fracking on water and soil in Queensland’s Surat Basin is presented as CSIRO research, but is actually by an alliance dominated by gas companies. The study is based on a sample of just six wells, all chosen by Origin Energy. Its results say little about the other 19,000
Submission to NT Econ Reconstruction Commission
The Australia Institute made a submission to the Northern Territory Economic Reconstruction Commission, highlighting research on fiscal stimulus design and the minimal stimulus that would be created from government subsidisation or other assistance to the fossil gas industry.
Dirty Big Secret: Financial performance of fossil fuel companies
Fossil fuels were the worst performing sector in the ASX 300 over the last decade. $100 invested in the fossil fuel dominated S&P ASX 300 Energy index in 2010 was worth just $104 by January 2020, dropping to $51 with COVID. $100 in the wider market peaked at $237, falling to $169 with COVID. Excluding
June 2020
Getting off coal: Economic and social policies to manage the phase-out of thermal coal in Australia
The evidence of a climate emergency is now undeniable. Any coherent response requires a rapid phase-out of coal-fired electricity generation. That also implies an immediate halt to new thermal coal mines and a gradual closure of existing thermal coal mines. Successful implementation of such a policy requires a strong and concrete commitment to facilitating employment
May 2020
Fracking and slacking
April 2020
Emissions from Onshore Gas in Victoria
The Victorian Government has decided to allow onshore gas mining based on an internal report that claims minimal climate impacts. However the report ignores up to 88% of greenhouse emissions from new onshore gas mining, appearing to ignore emissions from burning the gas.
February 2020
Enough Scope
Coal mined in NSW causes more emissions than the UK or France and nearly four times more than directly emitted from NSW itself. NSW climate policy aims for net zero emissions by 2050. Yet in the midst of a bushfire crisis, under coal lobby pressure, the NSW Government seeks to abolish the legal requirement to
November 2019
Polling – Great Australian Bight (November 2019)
New research from The Australia Institute has found that, for the first time, more than four in five South Australians (84%) support World Heritage Protection for the Great Australian Bight. That is a 7% increase, when compared to polling undertaken in March of 2019.
Submission: Australia’s oil and gas reserves
The Australia Institute made a submission to the Senate Economics References Committee’s inquiry into Australia’s oil and gas reserves. The submission highlights our existing research on Australia’s oil and gas and how they relate to the inquiry’s terms of reference. Update Read our second submission to the Senate Economics References Committee’s inquiry into Australia’s oil and
Norwegian cheque
If Norwegian company Equinor is given permission to drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight, it will likely pay the Norwegian Government more than it will pay in Australian Government taxes and up to 27 times more than they will pay to the South Australian Government, a new report from The Australia Institute has
October 2019
NSW Government must defend law and climate from coal industry attacks
The open letter signed by 47 experts co-ordinated and published by the Australia Institute Climate & Energy Program and complete list of signatories is reproduced in full below. View full media release here. An open letter to the Government of New South Wales Allowing new coal mines in NSW is incompatible with the NSW Government’s
Coal calling
New coal mine proposals in Tasmania appear to be aimed more at increasing the value of the company and extracting government subsidy than at developing a mine that could deliver value for the Tasmanian community.
September 2019
Monopoly money
Just to cap it off
Submission: Offset Upset
WA LNG projects are pushing up Australia’s emissions.