Research // Tax, Spending & the Budget
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August 1998
April 1998
Tax Reform, the GST and Women
A briefing to delegates at the Bonn climate change negotiations
March 1998
Gambling Taxation in Australia
Only 2% of national tax revenues come from gambling. But the ethics, economics, and fairness of gambling taxes are becoming a critical issue as ‘the global economy’ challenges the sovereignty of governments. The ever-narrowing range of revenue options has left state governments with little choice but to conform with nearby jurisdictions pursuing expansionary gambling policies.
May 1997
April 1997
Ecological Tax Reform in Australia: Using taxes and public spending to protect the environment without hurting the economy
While there is firm public support for stronger environmental protection, action on these issues in the past has been seriously constrained by the belief by governments that protecting the environment will have large economic costs. Ecological tax reform shows this need not be the case by arguing that carefully devised measures can both protect the