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August 2024
How the North West Shelf Extension threatens WA’s domestic gas market
Woodside’s North West Shelf Extension has not identified sufficient gas supply for its export capacity. This is already resulting in applications to divert domestic gas to the export terminal. This will permanently destabilise WA’s domestic gas market.
May 2024
Australia’s great gas giveaway
According to the Australian Government’s Future Gas Strategy, gas is “critical” to the nation’s economy.
Budget revenue from WA gas exports
Royalty revenue from WA gas exports has halved in the past two years and now makes up just 1.5% of budget revenue.
Gas in WA: the economy
WA is a globally significant gas exporter, but gas is insignificant in the WA economy.
March 2024
Saying ‘no’ to Santos: Submission regarding the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations 2023
Offshore gas must not bypass genuine consultation with traditional owners or the wider community. Adequate consultation will always challenge the crumbling social license of fossil fuel operations – perhaps that is why there are proposals to “clarify and improve” consultation and approvals?
November 2023
Gas Bagging
Despite the claims to the contrary by the Northern Territory government, development of the Beetaloo Basin’s gas resources will be of little benefit to Territorians. Modelling used by the NT government itself shows that the development of the Beetaloo Basin will not diversify the NT economy, aid the transition to net zero emissions, provide cheap
October 2023
The economic impacts of gas development in the Northern Territory
Gas development has few economic benefits beyond those that flow to the gas industry itself. The industry is a small employer, systematic non-payer of tax and crowds out other industries.
September 2023
NeuRizer underground coal gasification project – economic considerations
The Australia Institute welcomes the opportunity to make a submission on the Syngas and Power Generation, Stage 1 Commercial Development, NeuRizer Urea Project, which is currently open for public comment under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act Public Portal.
May 2023
The New Safeguard Mechanism and the Santos Barossa Gas Project
The Safeguard Mechanism now requires stronger action to cut pollution from gas projects including full abatement of reservoir emissions.
March 2023
Polling: New Gas & Coal, Offsets
Polling across 5 federal electorates reveals a majority of voters support a ban on new gas and coal projects, and very few support unlimited carbon offsets to expand fossil fuels. uComms were commissioned on behalf of the Australia Institute to poll in the seats of Mackellar, Goldstein, Sydney, Bennelong and Moreton between 9-14 of March
January 2022
Gas-fired robbery
The LNG industry portrays itself as essential to WA’s economy, a sentiment echoed by the WA Government. However, LNG industry contributes just 1% of the WA state budget and two thirds of Western Australia’s gas is effectively given away by the Western Australian and Australian Governments with almost no royalties or tax being paid. The
November 2021
Offshore oil and gas decommissioning levy
The offshore oil and gas industry provides minimal economic benefit to the Australian community. Any benefits are eroded by decommissioning costs falling on governments as the industry attempts to avoid its liabilities. The proposed levy represents an opportunity to limit the costs to the public from the Northern Endeavour disaster, further measures are needed to protect the public interest.
February 2021
When the going gets tough…the gas industry sacks workers
Gas companies operating in Australia have announced major job cuts through the pandemic. ABS Labour Force figures show that average employment in oil and gas extraction has declined by over 10% from 2019 to 2020, despite record production. If all Australian industries had responded to the COVID-19 pandemic with equivalent job cuts, Australia would have
January 2021
Submission on Enhanced offshore oil and gas decommissioning framework
The Australia Institute made a submission on the consultation paper for the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources’ Enhanced offshore oil and gas decommissioning framework.
September 2020
Weapons of gas destruction
August 2020
Narrabri Gas Project
July 2020
Gas Fired Backfire
Why a “gas fired recovery” would increase emissions and energy costs and squander Australia’s COVID-19 recovery spending.
April 2020
Emissions from Onshore Gas in Victoria
The Victorian Government has decided to allow onshore gas mining based on an internal report that claims minimal climate impacts. However the report ignores up to 88% of greenhouse emissions from new onshore gas mining, appearing to ignore emissions from burning the gas.
November 2019
Submission: Australia’s oil and gas reserves
The Australia Institute made a submission to the Senate Economics References Committee’s inquiry into Australia’s oil and gas reserves. The submission highlights our existing research on Australia’s oil and gas and how they relate to the inquiry’s terms of reference. Update Read our second submission to the Senate Economics References Committee’s inquiry into Australia’s oil and
May 2019
Submission to AEMC: Northern Gas Pipeline – Derogation from Part 23
The Australia Institute made a submission on the AEMC’s draft determination on the Northern Gas Pipeline – Derogation from Part 23. The Northern Gas Pipeline from the NT was given special treatment outside the National Gas Rules. The exemption is problematic and based on an “anomaly”. It should be revoked for future pipelines, to prevent
February 2019
The heat goes on: Breakdowns at gas and coal plants in NSW, 2018
So far in 2018, there have been 27 major breakdowns at gas and coal power stations in NSW. Every coal power station experienced at least one breakdown. The Tallawarra gas power station experienced three breakdowns. Aging plants Liddell and Vales Point experienced the most breakdowns.
December 2018
Volatile gas: Economics and gas in Western Australia
Western Australia’s economy is heavily impacted by the resource sector. 22% of gross state production comes from resources, making it heavily exposed to the booms and busts of global resource markets. The established gas industry in Western Australia comprises large-scale offshore gas fields focussed on export markets and a number of smaller onshore gas producers
October 2018
Gas and the Wide Bay Burnett Economy
Gas exploration is being undertaken in the Wide Bay Burnett region. Development of gasfields would present a risk to the region’s diverse services, tourism, agricultural, and manufacturing economy. Summary points include: Blue Energy is exploring for gas in the Wide Bay Burnett region, a region that features high-value horticulture and sugar cane crops and the
March 2018
Cooked with gas: Extreme heat in Darwin
The number of days over 35oC in Darwin has increased from 5.6 per year to 22.2 per year. CSIRO modelling estimates that without climate action this could rise to 132 days per year in 2030 and 275 days per year in 2070. Such extreme heat would have profound effects on human health, industries and ecosystems.
February 2018
Submission on the Draft Final Report of the Scientific Inquiry into Hydraulic Fracturing in the Northern Territory: Greenhouse gas emissions
The Draft Final Report of the Northern Territory Scientific Inquiry into Hydraulic Fracturingeffectively recommends approval of unconventional gas development in the NorthernTerritory. It does this despite the huge potential climate change impacts of developing ashale gas industry, which this submission focuses on. Development of onshore shale oil and gas fields in the Northern Territory could
November 2017
Coal and gas a reliability liability in the heat: report
3600 MW, or 14%, of coal and gas generation failed during the February 2017 heatwave. Report calls for the National Energy Guarantee (NEG) to require “heat safe” back-up for coal and gas plants. New analysis released today by The Australia Institute’s Climate & Energy Program shows that coal and gas failed to provide energy security
July 2017
Gas exports and the latest electricity price hikes: The Audit – Electricity Update
The Australia Institute has released the Electricity Update of the National Energy Emissions Audit (The Audit*) for July 2017. The report, by renowned energy analyst Dr Hugh Saddler, reveals a stunning correlation between domestic electricity prices and gas prices, despite gas making up only 10 percent of electricity generation. Australian gas prices have risen significantly,
June 2017
Economics of unconventional gas development
Development of unconventional gas in the NT risks connecting the NT to the chaos in wider Australian gas markets. As the nation becomes a major gas exporter with record production there have been no winners.
May 2017
Narrabri Gas Project: Submission
The economic assessment of the Narrabri Gas Project is misleading and does not comply with NSW assessment guidelines. The benefit cost analysis by consultants GHD is contradicted by the proponents’ financial statements and analysis commissioned by the Australian Energy Market Operator.