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August 2017
July 2017
June 2017
Faces of the Senate
A new report has mapped current polling trends to predict the make-up of the Australian Senate over the next two terms of Parliament. The results show a likely outcome is an entrenched cross bench with an increased One Nation presence and a stable Greens block.
Climate of the Nation 2017: Australian attitudes on climate change
**Following the closure of the Climate Institute on 30 June, its significant remaining funds and intellectual property will be transferred to the Australia Institute, to help carry forward the Australia Institute’s climate change-related research and advocacy.** The Climate Institute has now been conducting its Climate of the Nation attitudinal research for more than a decade. It is
Still Anti-Asian? Anti-Chinese? One Nation policies on Asian immigration and multiculturalism
Is Pauline Hanson’s One Nation party anti-Asian? Just how much has One Nation changed since Pauline Hanson first sat in the Australian Parliament two decades ago? This report reviews One Nation’s statements of the 1990s and the current policies of the party. It concludes that One Nation’s broad policies on immigration and multiculturalism remain essentially
May 2017
Queenslanders don’t want Adani subsidies: Poll
A new ReachTEL poll of 1,618 Queenslanders shows strong opposition to state and federal subsidies for the Adani coal proposal, including among LNP and One Nation voters. -Polling results in attachment below- 59% of Queenslanders oppose Federal and State taxpayers’ money being used to fund Adani’s project. 37% said they were strongly opposed and just
April 2017
One Nation in Western Australia: Epic fail or a huge win?
Contrary to recent media commentary, Pauline Hanson’s One Nation party continues its political rise. Examination of the Western Australian state election results shows that while One Nation’s vote fell short of Senator Hanson’s hopes and expectations fuelled by some opinion polls, the far-right party doubled its support in Western Australia in the seven months between
Polling – President Trump (March 2017)
From 17 March to 24 March 2017 The Australia Institute surveyed 1420 Australians about Donald Trump’s election as President of United States of America.
March 2017
February 2017
Pauline Hanson’s ‘neo-Austrian’ economic brain
Philip Dorling, a Senior Researcher at The Australian Institute, investigates the growing influence of the American “alt-right” on One Nation’s new economic thinking. One Nation’s new economic advisor, Darren Nelson, has worked on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and with radical free-market think-tanks in America, including one associated with the notorious Panamanian law firm, Mossack Fonseca.
January 2017
The American Far-Right Origins of Pauline Hanson’s Views on Islam
In the context of One Nation’s presence in the Australian Senate, indications of increased voter support for the party and wider populist trends in the United States and Europe, Australians need to understand One Nation’s world view – especially where the party’s ideas come from. It is important to chart One Nation’s ideological and political
November 2016
Voting and electoral participation are part of Australia’s culture, expressed through our long history of electoral reform as well as modern trends such as the social media tag #democracysausage. Ensuring that everyone’s vote is counted is consistent with our ethos that everyone gets a “fair go”. Australia has among the highest electoral participation rates in
September 2016
Poll: ‘Other’ surge in Senate voting intention and strong rejection of Newstart cuts
A new national poll of more than 10,000 Australians has shown the continued strong support for minor parties and independents in Senate voting intentions. The poll also measured opinion on the proposal to cut Newstart. 55% of respondents said the Senate should vote down the cut, just 32% said the Senate should pass the government
July 2016
Post-election polling shows agreement on issues, expectation for politicians to negotiate with crossbench
Post-election polling of 2875 voters from across Australia showed the majority of Labor, Green and Independent voters prefer negotiations with cross bench MPs to form government rather than calling another election. 47.0% of all respondents support negotiations with independents and minor parties to form government while 46.3% said ‘call another election’. — Polling results in
June 2016
Climate of the Nation 2016: Australian attitudes on climate change
Climate of the Nation is Australia’s longest running survey benchmarking community attitudes on climate change.
The State of Australian Democracy
New research shows a rising number of the Australian adult population are not enrolled, not casting a vote or voting informally. Combined with the sinking major party vote, nearly 40% of Australian adults did not vote for either party able to form government in 2013. The trend has been on the rise over the past decades,
Polling and Senate Voting Analysis
Between 23 May and 3 June 2016The Australia Institute conducted a national opinion poll of 1437 people through Research Now, with nationally representative samples by gender, age and state or territory. The poll asked questions about voting intentions in the House of Representatives and the Senate, as well as questions about the Senate voting system.
April 2016
House and Senate Polling
Between 29 February and 8 March 2016 The Australia Institute conducted a national opinion poll of 1412 people through Research Now, with nationally representative samples by gender, age and state or territory. The poll included questions about voting intention for both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Polling: High support for fixed term federal elections
Polling conducted by ReachTEL in South Australia, Queensland and the electorate of New England found very high support for fixed terms for Australian political elections. Reported on by Michelle Grattan on The Conversation – here.
March 2016
December 2015
October 2015
Too Close for Comfort
Too Close for Comfort : How the coal and gas industry get their way in Queensland. Examines the relationship between the Queensland Government and the fossil fuel industry. The report reveals a pattern of secrecy, a lack of accountability and transparency and a fast moving revolving door between the highest level of the bureaucracy and government, where political