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December 2024
Greenwashing coal in New South Wales
The organisations charged with overseeing regional transition away from coal mining in NSW have a budget of $5.2 million across four organisations. By contrast, $27 million of public money was spent in 2022-23 by Coal Innovation NSW conducting and promoting research that greenwashes the coal industry, while a publicly subsidised coal industry research fund worth
November 2024
Grow your own – 2024
Most Australians grow food, or are interested in doing so. Younger people are most likely to express interest in growing, but often lack the space or skills required. This demonstrates the need for gardening programs and investment in community gardens.
October 2024
Submission to Validation (State Coastal Policy) Bill
The Tasmanian Government’s draft legislation to fast-track changes to the State Coastal Policy through Tasmanian Parliament ignores legislated process and due diligence. The proposed changes have the potential to weaken the State Coastal Policy, erode protection to the natural and cultural values of Tasmania’s coast, and undermine statewide strategic planning.
May 2024
Fossil fuel subsidies in Australia 2024
Australia’s subsidies to fossil fuel producers and major users from all governments totalled $14.5 billion in 2023–24, increase of 31% on the $11.1 billion recorded in 2022–23.
December 2023
Submission to Tasmania’s draft Transport Emissions Reduction and Resilience Plan
The Tasmanian Government’s draft Emissions Reduction and Resilience Plan (ERRP) for transport lacks all ambition. It introduces no new targets, actions or timelines to decarbonise the sector, and in its current form, is unlikely to lead to a reduction in transport emissions. Without significant revision, the ERRP will leave Tasmania with some of the weakest transport emissions reduction commitments in Australia. The Australia Institute recommends that the final ERRP adopts a range of targets and actions that demonstrate a commitment to climate action.
November 2023
It’s Time
Tasmania’s patchwork approach to marine management should be replaced with an integrated approach.
October 2023
Submission to Tasmania’s Sustainability Strategy
The delivery of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) must be integrated into national and subnational planning if there is to be any chance of success at a global level. Tasmania’s forthcoming Sustainability Strategy provides an opportunity to identify sustainability issues in Tasmania and develop a roadmap to address them. Achieving the SDGs at a state level requires ambition from all sectors, but it hinges on a strong commitment from the Tasmanian government to take strong action to address sustainability issues.
June 2023
Off the hook?
After decades of ignoring evidence of overfishing, the Tasmanian Government is finally playing catch-up on the state’s depleted fish stocks, resetting fishery rules in the context of out-of-date legislation and the absence of relevant policies.
May 2023
Submission: Tasmanian Waters, Commonwealth Problems
The South-east Commonwealth Marine Parks Network is a patchwork of poor protection that provides minimal conservation benefits.
Fossil fuel subsidies in Australia 2023
In 2022–23, Australian Federal and state governments provided a total of $11.1 billion worth of spending and tax breaks to assist fossil fuel industries.
April 2023
Submission: Tasmania’s Draft Climate Change Action Plan 2023–25
Tasmania’s Draft Climate Change Action Plan is a plan for inaction. Without radical improvement, this plan will do little to reduce emissions or mitigate the impacts of climate change.